The Almighty God of Sulking and Toe Stubbing

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So... it's been awhile. *cue nervous laughter*

Percy had been sulking in his room for almost two weeks now (he had been let out of the infirmary on his third day), and the Avengers had had enough.

"Open the damn door, Percy!" Tony shouted, punctuating his words with the sharp bang of his fist against the wood of the door.

Percy blew out a breath, drawing his knees closer to him in the darkness.

He heard Tony sigh. Feet shuffled outside his door and hushed whispers commenced, leading Percy to believe that some, if not all, of the Avengers were standing outside his door. He heard Tony's voice again, this time with an apologetic ring to it: "Sorry kid, but you've left me no choice. JARVIS unlock Percy's door."

Yes sir, the AI intoned. A click resounded throughout the room. Percy's door has been unlocked.

A crack of light emitted from the cracked door, causing Percy to wince. He heard the Avengers enter his room, and then the light was flipped on. Percy flinched at the invading light, burrowing deeper into a ball.

Tony cussed softly, running a hand through his salt and pepper hair."Dang kid. You look like hell." Percy flinched again and slowly glanced up. Just his luck--all the Avengers were there. Percy's gaze flicked over them. Natasha and Clint must've just gotten back from a mission, as they looked a little worse for wear. Percy took them in, a blank expression on his face, before silently dropping his head again.

Steve frowned. Tony's observation, while a little too blunt, had been pretty accurate. Percy's hair was way past its normal unruly state. His clothes were wrinkled and askew. But what really worried Steve was Percy's eyes when he looked up--dead and without a spark of hope. Steve had seen this look, aptly coined shell shock, on many a soldier. Percy looked like he had given up.

Bruce spoke, taking a step towards Percy. His voice was soft, much like when someone tries to calm a wounded animal. "Percy, it's been two weeks. You have to get out of this room."

Tony nodded in agreement. "Have you eaten at all?" Tony blinked. "Wait, do gods even have to eat? Or sleep?" His eyes glazed for a second before he came to a sudden revelation. "Wait, wait, wait." Tony waved his hands in a forget what I just said way. "Do gods have to poop?"

The other Avengers turned to him, exasperated. "What? It's a good question," the billionaire defended himself. They shook their head before turning back to Percy, used to the genius's antics.

After much pleading, they managed to convince Percy to go to the living room with them. They walked down the hall, occasionally throwing looks at the unresponsive god plodding behind them, before exchanging looks of their own.

Percy sighed softly, ignoring their obvious glances. He frowned at the floor, feeling the absence of his cousins. Thalia had reluctantly left on Percy's last day in the med bay to return to the Hunt. In fact, she had told him goodbye with minimal threats to his manhood and left him with all his limbs intact, which he considered a win.

Nico had left a week ago. He was trying to find out why the Fury had attacked him, since, as the son of Hades, the Fury should have obeyed him, instead of attacking him. After Percy had left Nico standing by his door for a few minutes, Nico had given up, leaving with a soft promise that he would be back soon.

Percy was a bit worried for his little cousin. The teen god did not believe in coincidences. He had a bad feeling that something bigger was going on.

When wasn't there something bigger going on?

Of course, he also felt a little guilty about ignoring the son of Hades, especially after everything that kid had done for him, but he had been in a bad place. Heck, he still was in a bad place.

Though, Percy mused sadly as they turned the corner into the living room, he had forever to 'get over' it.


Percy was so lost in thought that he ran into the sofa, jamming his toe on the leg. Percy's yelp, followed by swift cursing in Ancient Greek, attracted the heroes' attention.

"Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!" Percy hopped around holding his big toe. His eyes widened as he slipped on a stray pillow, falling on his back with a solid thud. "Ow," Percy muttered again, sprawled on the wood floor.

Complete silence. And then--

Laughter. Full-blown, belly-aching laughter.

Percy sat up and stared, aghast, at the mortals and the god. They were laughing at him. Tony, Clint, and Thor were doubled over, laughing so hard they were crying. Steve and Bruce were only a little more reserved in their amusement, having to grab onto the nearby counter for stability. Even Natasha had turned away, fighting to hide the smile breaking out on her face.

Percy made a face.

It wasn't that funny, not really, but he understood the need for happiness. Especially, after these last few weeks. Laughter was the best medicine, after all.

Percy stood up with a sigh, brushing off imaginary dirt from his pants. "Yeah, yeah, yeah. Laugh it up," he grumbled, scowling at the hysterical group.

They calmed a little. "Sorry Percy," Steve apologized, having the decency to look guilty. Thor and Bruce sent him apologetic smiles. Natasha tilted her head. Tony and Clint, on the other hand, looked anything but guilty. Both smirked at him, satisfied. Tony opened his mouth:

"JARVIS, save that recording under the file 'Blackmail For Percy'." Tony's smirk grew wider.

Percy's scowl deepened, realizing it was payback for the breakfast incident. Those little--

A pained grunt distracted him from his internal curses. Percy spun around, just in time to see the shadows finish spitting out a bloody Nico.

"Percy!" Nico gasped out, falling forward.

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