Loki the Knife-Thrower & Percy the Acrobat

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"Definitely not dead," Loki murmured wryly.

Thor couldn't tell if his brother was disappointed or not.

"Ow," Percy complained, patting his chest. "What just happened?"

"You were unconscious," Loki stated helpfully.

Thor nodded. "And I went to get you water. But when I walked in, the water flew from these tiny Midgardian containers into your body."

Both brothers stared at him, obviously done with their explanation.


"You passed out and sucked the water to you," Thor simplified.

"Right. Because that explains everything." Percy's heavy sarcasm went unnoticed by the blond. He rubbed his head with a sigh.

Loki watched the boy carefully. What he'd just done was dangerous. If water automatically responded to his needs, then he could cause a lot of destruction without even trying. What if Percy unconsciously called to the water in the pipes? Or the water from a nearby lake?

What if he sucked the water from the air itself?

Loki froze. "The air," he breathed, drawing the attention of the room's other two inhabitants.


"You may have drawn the vapors from the air earlier to teleport across the room."

"Huh?" Percy was too drained for all this schist.

"Your affinity for water seems to have grown quite substantially. You may be strong enough to draw the water vapor from the air, and then use it to power yourself."

Percy paused, letting his mind catch up, before slowly thinking aloud. "I'm using the water vapor in the air to travel from one place to another. So... vapor travel?"

Loki shrugged. "Call it what you like."

"But my dad's domain is the sea, not all water." Not that that had ever stopped Percy before.

Loki hummed. "Well, Poseidon is older than me, but when I was younger the myths were a little different from now. In some of ancient myths, Poseidon was originally the god of water. But, like I said earlier, it might have to do with your domains, and not his."

"Your power is quite impressive, young Perseus," Thor said, looking excited for Percy.

"Yeah. Not quite so impressive if I pass out afterwards."

He could just imagine monsters jeering over his unconscious body, and then killing him as painfully as possible.

Thor frowned. "Surely you can train yourself to become used to your power."

Percy gave a shrug. "Yeah, I guess so." It took a lot out of him the first time he'd used his 'son of Poseidon' powers, but he'd learned to control it. He would do the same here.


"While this is all very interesting," Loki's dry tone did not go unnoticed by Percy, "you are still no closer to seeing seiðr."

"Oh, yeah. Magic." Percy may have forgotten the whole reason they were here.

"We should continue our fight."

Thor clapped his hands together. "Yes, that is a good idea, brother." He patted Percy on the back. "Good luck, Percy."

"Thanks," Percy replied wryly. He ran a hand through his unruly hair, swearing silently when he hit knots.

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