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Percy Jackson didn't even wonder how Thalia knew his middle name. He honestly wasn't sure he wanted to know. He shuddered. Thalia had her ways. He crouched behind Nico's brown armchair, peeking his head out like a little kid scared of getting scolded by his mother.

And then the raging Hunter of Artemis stomped in. With her Death to Barbie shirt, ripped jeans, and I'm gonna murder you and laugh as you cry in pain face, she could've been someone out of a horror movie.

Percy grimaced. If only.

Her eyes zeroed in on Percy and Nico in an instant. The Avengers, who were in their recurrent awkward stance (which seemed to be a regular thing now)—partially up with weapons half drawn and completely perplexed faces.

Percy held his breath, waiting for the eminent explosion. Thalia just glared at him, not moving. But the things she was saying with her eyes. . . Well, Percy was certain he would never say any of those words aloud. If his mom ever heard that—

He looked down, trying not to cry from the wave of longing. He closed his eyes.

Breath, Percy. He chastised himself. He exhaled again and opened his eyes. Unfortunately, any hope that all of this was a dream vanished when he saw Thalia, still smoldering angrily, in the doorway.

Thalia opened her mouth, but, at the last second, seemed to reconsider.
Percy loosed another breath. Maybe she was so overjoyed to see him that she decided murdering him would be counterproductive. Thalia's eyes flickered doubtfully toward the Avengers.

Or not. She was just scared to do anything in front of mortals.

Okay. I can work with this. Percy thought. His eyes flickered to Nico as they seemed to come to the same conclusion. They didn't tell her that the Avengers knew everything, and she would be severely limited with her actions and words—well, at least no murdering or electrocution.

"So are you, like, one of those demigods or whatever?" Tony asked, curiosity overriding his fear.

Percy let his head fall, running a hand over his face as Nico held back a groan.

Tony just had to open his big mouth, didn't he?

Tony was tired of being confused. It seemed like it had become a thing now since that kid's arrival.

Thalia's eyebrows shot up.
"You told them?!" She seethed.

Percy resisted the urge to back away. He could feel the tension radiating off of Nico.

He held up his hands beseechingly. "I can explain—"

Nico launched out of his chair, quick as a rabbit, making a beeline straight for the nearest shadow. His armchair swung backwards from the force, knocking Percy in the nose. Percy stumbled backwards, hands flying to his face.

If Nico was a rabbit, then Thalia was a snake. She moved almost before Nico. She took a flying leap straight over the couch, tackling Nico. Percy heard an "Oomph!" followed by a loud crash. Percy froze, deciding not to move. He didn't really have the desire to die today.

The Avengers watched the whole scene with open mouths. They stared, blinking owlishly at the commotion.

Tony leaned over to Steve. "Should we stop her?" He whispered, slightly bemused. Steve shrugged, figuring they should just let it play out.

Thalia hopped up, dragging a perturbed and disheveled Nico up.
"I don't know why you're mad at me," he complained. "Percy's the one who disappeared.

Percy blinked.

Wow, Neeks, he thought. Way to throw me to the dogs.

Thalia grunted. "You should have have told me you found him."

"I just got here thirty minutes ago!" Nico protested indignantly.

"That means you had twenty-nine minutes to tell me," she said, pushing Nico back on his armchair.

Then Thalia looked at Percy.

Percy resisted the urge to squeak and hide behind the chair like a frightened mouse. He held up his hands in the universal I mean no harm sign. Thalia walked straight up to Percy, stopping barely an inch away. She looked up—Percy was about six inches taller than her, after all. Their breaths mingled. Thalia stared in Percy's eyes. The unreadable emotion swirling in her eyes matched only by Percy's own.
Thalia exhaled, wrapping her arms around Percy's torso. Percy stiffened, eyes widening.

"Don't you ever do that again, you moron," she murmured, voice breaking slightly.


Pain shot up his body. He stumbled backward, falling on the floor as he made a (if anyone asks) very manly squeal.

Thalia had kneed him in the crotch. The crotch.

Thalia smirked slightly, raising an eyebrow in anticipation of his protests.

Percy groaned instead. "Probably deserved that one."

Nico and all the Avengers, except Natasha, winced in sympathetic pain. Nat had a hint of a smile on her face, slightly amused.

Tony whistled. "That's low."

Perhaps not the best choice of words in this situation but pretty accurate, if  Tony said so himself.

Thalia sighed, rubbing a temple. "Get up, Perce. I'm waiting for an explanation." She raised an eyebrow, tapping her fingers against her forearm impatiently.

Percy raised a finger. "Yep." He groaned. "Just give me a sec." He flopped back on the floor.

Anyone hoping for that Perlia moment?

No one? Okay, good. Me neither.

Shards (A Percy Jackson and Avengers Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now