The Collision

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"It's rude to follow someone around without introducing yourselves, y'know."

Percy stared at his stalkers. There were four in all: two acting as a couple, another as a businessman on a call, and the last as someone who'd just left the gym.

Surprise registered on the faces of the two lone men, but the pair kept an excellent poker face.

"Excuse me?" The ginger woman blinked at him, her countenance showing confusion and mild indignation. The brown-haired man shifted protectively in front of her, much like an overprotective boyfriend. "My husband and I were just taking an evening stroll." She blinked innocently at him.

"Uh-huh," Percy said, completely unconvinced.

"Everything okay, kid?" The man with the large black bag over his shoulder asked in mock concern.

Percy scowled and slipped his hands in his pockets. "Drop the act."

They all stared at him. Percy's gaze flickered to the pseudo couple. "Neither of you have rings on."

Percy turned to the businessman. "You're just mouthing nonsense."

He looked at the last guy, "And that bag is awfully big, even for a gym bag." Percy cocked his head. "Weapons maybe?"

The four gaped at him, though (like earlier) the duo concealed it better. Natasha cursed silently. She knew that they should've pretended to be dating instead, but she thought being married would sell it better. She never thought he'd notice an insignificant detail like missing rings. They'd only passed him once—and then doubled back—so he must have spotted it then.

She'd underestimated the boy. Something that could turn into a fatal mistake very quickly.

Percy watched the four stalkers carefully. The only reason he'd even noticed those trivial details was thanks to his ADHD. He always observed random details that normally did jack squat for him. At least it had finally come in handy.

Plus, Annabeth had always told him he needed to observe his surroundings.

Percy's mind stuttered to a halt.


Percy felt his throat start to close up, and his breathing quicken.

No. He couldn't freak out now. He had to focus on the problem at hand. He shoved his emotions into tiny boxes in his mind and slammed the lids shut. He squeezed his eyes closed for a second before opening them, his breathing and thought process returning to normal.

What did mortals want with him? He had enough schist from the mythological world. He didn't need any more. His gaze flickered to the river. It was a quick escape route, but Percy didn't want to use it unless he had to. It'd generate too many questions. But if he was forced to use his powers, he could probably play it off. They'd probably assume he was a mutant anyway.

The demigod crossed his arms. "What do you guys want?"

A sharp breeze ruffled his hair and skimmed over the river's surface with a ripple.

The four exchanged looks. The muscular man slowly set the black bag down. The man stood back up and raised his hands in a 'we mean no harm' gesture. "We don't want to hurt you, kid. Our boss has some questions for you. You know, government stuff. It'd be nice if we could do this the easy way. Just come quietly."

Percy scoffed. "Right, because I'm just gonna follow random strangers to gods-know-where because they asked nicely. My momma taught me better than that."

He certainly didn't plan on dishonoring his mother by being that stupid.

They looked at each other again before turning back to the teenager.

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