Cleanup Sucks... So I Skipped It

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Percy plopped on the armchair, slumping wearily. He'd quickly remembered why he hated cleanup.

It sucks.

The Avengers sat in their respective spots, a mirror image from before the attack. Well, minus the broken window and occasional glares from Tony.

Tony was still muttering about how he had just remodeled. Like usual, everyone ignored him. But Percy thought he had heard something that sounded like, "Pepper's gonna kill me." Which he'd thought Tony had said earlier, but he'd ignored it because it didn't really make any sense. He wasn't really sure how pepper was involved, or how it could even kill someone. Percy frowned. Maybe if someone inhaled it the wrong way and then suffocated. He shuddered. Death by pepper.

"-ercy!" He glanced up. Thalia was waving a hand in his face, quite exasperated.


She jerked her head to the Avengers. "They asked you a question."


Percy shot the bemused Avengers a sheepish look. "Sorry." He glanced back to Thalia's annoyed face. He sighed. He guessed he was lucky that Thalia hadn't resorted to physical violence. She normally-

"Ow!" A sharp pain shot up his arm. He'd spoken too soon... like always. He glared at Thalia and her annoying smirk. "What was that for?" He complained, rubbing his throbbing arm.

Thalia shrugged. "Do I need a reason? Maybe I just wanted to pinch you."
Percy scowled, thoroughly unamused.

This only made Thalia's grin grow. "Or maybe I did it because you're such a Seaweed Brain."

Thalia's smile wavered as she realized what she had said.

Percy's eyes dulled, pain creeping into the edges. He forced a smile to his face. "Pinecone Face."

Thalia opened her mouth but froze. "Percy--"

"I know." He and Nico quickly stood up, along with the battle-ready, but slightly confused, Avengers. While the Avengers did have their weaknesses, one thing could definitely be said for them. They learned quickly. Percy slipped a hand into his pocket, the cool metal relaxing his nerves.

Three dracaena stepped out of the shadows.

"Seriously," Percy murmured. "Can't we get a break? We just finished picking up."

The lead dracaena cackled. "I think we've found three little demigodsssss to play with." The other two snickered, extending their very sharp claws.

Percy pulled his pen out. Nico's sword started emerging from the shadows. Thalia slipped her knife out from... well, somewhere. Percy had never really figured out where she kept all of her weapons.

The dracaenas snarled, leaping for them. The three teens moved quickly, ignoring the Avenger's shouting.

"I call the one in the middle!"
Thalia shouted.

"Dibs on Ugly Number Two!" Nico hollered, veering towards the left monster.

Percy ran at the last number. She slashed at Percy. Percy shifted left, just out of reach of the glistening claws. The dracaena fell, off-balance. Percy quickly slashed downward, and the dracaena exploded with a scream and a puff of golden dust. Percy glanced up to see how his friends were doing. As he was looking, Thalia stabbed hers in the stomach. Nico was still busy with his.

A shout from Natasha drew his attention away. "Percy!" The other Avengers' eyes were wide and panicked, many of them already moving frantically toward him.

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