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Harry p.o.v

The rest of the school year ran smoothly. We used the Defence Against the Toad as a study group fir all subjects. More so with potions since jt some how got harder now tbag Severus us teaching defence.

Severus is also teaching me occlomency witch heloed with the nightmares. Though some will slip through now and then.

Like the one closer to the end if school, were u saw He Who Must Not Be Named attack Sirius.

I jerk awake waking Severus. "Harry whats wrong?"

"He is going to kill Sirius!" I say paniking and getting up.

Severus gets up and grabs me. "Harry wait. You know this can be a trick. Stay here ill check ok?"

I nod trying to calm myself and think logically. But how can i when Sirius is in danger. Severus then comes back. "Hes safe Harry. Everything is ok. What happened?"

"In. In my dream. He. He was in the same place as Mr. Weasly. And. And he was killed."

Severus nods. "Im going to go ask Dumbldore to contact the ministry then and make sure everything is ok there. Just stay here ill be right back."

I nod and curl up waiting for Severus to come back. After what feels like forever he comes back and holds me to him. "Everything is ok." He says softly and kisses my cheek.

I nod and curl up more to him slowly falling back asleep.

In the morning i refuse to show im awake and just enjoying Severus holding me and playing with my hair. I then look at him and he smiles. "Good morning my love."

"Morning Severus." I mumble and bury my face into his chest.

"Are you ok?" Severus asks softly.

I shrug. "Im fine. The dream was fake so. Its fine."

Severus p.o.v

I hold Harry and play with his hair kissing his forehead. Harry stays curled up on my chest. I let him not worrying about getting up since its the weekend.

"Sev can we go visit Sirius?" Harry asks.

"I guess so." I mumble not really wanting to see him.

Harry smiles and kisses my cheek. "Thank you Sevy."

I smile and kiss his forehead. "Ill go ask Dumbldore to make sure."

Harry nods and cuddles more to me.

"I need you to get up so i can ask." I say softly and taps his side.

Harry whines and holds onto me tighter.

"Dont you wanna go?" I ask smiling a little.

"But im comfy." Harry mumbles.

I smile and hold him. Well. I dont want to go see Black any ways.


Here us a update. Sorry its short and its been a while.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2021 ⏰

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