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Book five

Harry p.o.v

I wake up and look around. Severus is not here. I rarely wake up and him not be here. I get out of bed and get dressed taking one of Severus shirts.
So far this summer I learned some new things about Severus. He is bad at taking care of himself but he is great at taking care of me. Sometimes I need to remind him to eat. But when he remembers hed make more for me and eats a little. All his clothes are long I thought he'd have some short here but nope. I have finished most of my homework with help from Severus. I didn't think he'd help but he did. Sometimes I would do the work in his potions lab as he makes potions. Other times while he brewed I would clean a little and cook. Which surprised Severus.
I go into the kitchen and see Severus has finished cooking breakast. "Morning Harry." He says as I sit at the table and he places the food down.
I smile as I see the braclet that I got Severus is still on his wrist. I got it for his birthday which was only eight days after school ended. He was surprised I knew. Its a silver snake with green gems as the eyes.
"I got a letter from Sirius asking is to go to Grimould place. The place where he is hiding and that the oder of the Phoenix is now taking place." Severus says as he began to eat.
"When do they want us over?" I ask.
"Tomorrow." He says.
I smile thinking about tomorrow. Its my birthday and I'll be with people that I'll actually like to spend it with. Severus, Sirius, and the Weasleys.
I get up and take my plate and sit in Severus lap and eat. Severus lets me and also eats. "I'm sure we dont need to go right away. Is there anything you'd like to do before we go?"
"I cant think of anything I'd like to do. I'm fine with just spending time With you and my friends." I say and kiss Severus cheek.
He smiles and kisses my forhead.
We then finish eating and spend the rest of the day cuddling on the couch and Severus reading.

The next day I wake up Severus is still in bed holding me tight. I smile and kiss him making him wake up.  He lightly pushes me away and says, "good morning Harry."
"Morning Severus." I reply.
  He pulls me back to him then rolls us over putting me on my back. He smiles and kiss me again softly. I smile into the kiss and kiss back. He then kisses my neck and I feel him bite and suck the skin. I move my head aside as Severus pulls away and smiles down at me.
We then get up and we make breakfast and eat. Then we get ready to go to Grimmauld place. I put on my clothes and take Severus cloak. We cuddle and hang out before we go. And Severus gives me my birthday present. A gold ring with a red ruby. Then around lunch time we floo to Grimmauld place.

Severus p.o.v

I keep Harry from falling as we appeared in the living room of Blacks home. Harrys bushy haird friend Hermione runs up and hugs Harry. Mrs. Weasley comes over and hugs Harry and tells us lunch is going to be ready soon, then starts to complaining on how skinny Harry and I are and then said lunch is ready.
Everyone here is sitting down getting ready to eat.
Harry and I sit and everyone else sits to. Harry greats his friends and I stay silant as we begin to eat. The Malfoys then walk in and Draco sits inbetween the twins.
Harry and his friends talk and I still stay silent just listning.
When we finish Harry and I follow Ron and Hermione to were Harry and I are staying. Kreacher a house elf already took our thing to the room.

I decide to leave Harry with his friends since I now know were the room is and hear Hermione tell Harry he looks good in the cloak.

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