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Harry's p.o.v

I wake up and feel Severus running his fingers through my hair. I smile and cuddle into him more. "Good morning Harry."
"Morning Sevy." I mumble cuddling more to him.
"Come on Harry let's get up." He says tapping my side.

I shake my head and cuddle to him more. "Don't wanna."
"And why not?" Severus asks.
"I'm comfortable and warm here." I reply.

Severus moves and makes me get up then he goes and get dressed. So, I steal the shirt he grabbed and was going to put on and I put it on then finish getting dressed. When we both finish Severus goes to grab his cloak, but I yank it and put that on and walk out Severus following and calling me a brat.

I just laugh and walk into the kitchen. We sit down, and Mrs. Weasley gives us breakfast. Then the owls come in and give us our letters for Hogwarts.
"Today we can go and get what we need." Mr. Weasley says.

"Can I come?" Sirius asks.
Mrs. Weasley sighs and says. "I don't really think that's a good idea."
"Please? I can go in my animagus form. As... As Harry's pet dog." Sirius says in a begging tone.

"Are you sure? I'm quite sure the old man wants you here?" Lucius says.
"I can't stand this house. I swear Azkaban was better." Sirius says glaring at the walls.

"I think he'll be fine in his dog form. He is unregistered and there are plenty of black dogs." Narcissa says.
Severus smirks and says. "Maybe we can get him neutered while we're at it."

Sirius' eyes go wide, and I say. "No Severus."
"I was joking." He says rolling his eyes.

When we finish eating Sirius turns into a dog and we leave to Diagon Alley. Severus decides it would be a good idea to leash and collar Sirius, so I put one on him and hold it. Severus stays next to me looking around at everyone.

I hold his hand as we go to get our books. Some of the students look at Sirius surprised. Neville comes and talked to us for a moment then leaves.

Severus' p.o.v

When we get back to Grimmauld Place I can feel the mark burning. Lucius leaves and Draco goes to the twin's room with the red head devils.
I go to mine and Harrys room and grab my book that has all my experiments and look at the potion I tried to make a few times. It's supposed to remove the dark mark. I stare at the words trying to figure out why it never works.

Harry walks in and cuddles me. "What're you looking at?" He asks.
Without thinking I rub my arm and say, "Trying to figure out how to remove the dark mark. I can't figure out how."

Harry rolls my sleeve up and looks at the dark mark. I move my arm away and pull the sleeve down. "Have you tried to make a spell?" Harry asks softly.

"Yes. I've tried. Everything." I say and toss the book aside.
Harry pushes me so I'm laying down and he straddles me. He grabs my arm and looks at the mark again. Then he kisses my arm.

"What are you doing?" I ask confused.
"Kissing you better." Harry says smiling.

I roll my eyes and say, "If only love was the answer to everything."
Harry grins and pushes my arm away and kisses me. I kiss him back holding him close.

I lightly push him away and say, "I love you so much."
"I love you too Sevy... can I get a dog?"
"No." I say and laugh.
"Why. It'll be fun." Harry says and pouts.

I shake my head. "I don't like dogs. How about a cat."
"Cats are not as fun."
"Well then I guess the only pet you can have is Hedwig." I say smirking.
Harry curls up on me and says, "Mean."
I just roll my eyes and hold him.

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