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Harry's p.o.v

The next day, I stood outside of Severus' door. It is after classes and not yet time for dinner. I have everything I need, which is all of my things, except for Hedwig's cage that was inside my trunk.
Severus opened the door and said, "You could have just come in, you know." And he stepped aside taking my trunk and setting it at the foot of my bed. "You can set the cage on the dresser."
I set the cage down and stood next to it not sure what to do. I looked around and said, "What would you like for me to do, Severus?"
"You could do whatever you want Harry. Just, make sure you are at the Great Hall in time for dinner." Severus said.
I nodded and walked out of the room.

About a few minutes before dinner, I found Hermione and Ron outside watching a carriage come in pulled by winged horses, and a big ship comes in through the lake. Then I went to the Great Hall not really caring about the students. I saw that Severus has two extra seats next to him and sat down. "I saw the schools come in. One was in a carriage with winged horses. The other a big ship." I said smiling.
"That's good," Severus said.
Then all the Hogwarts students came in. Dumbledore stood and introduce the school. As he presented the name, they each came in. The Beauxbatons in blue uniforms, dancing. And the Durmstrang in heavy warm looking outfits dancing with fire.
The headmaster of Durmstrang sat on the other side of Severus as the headmistress of Beauxbatons sat next to Hagrid. I watched as Hagrid stabbed the little charm teacher's hand with his fork as he stared at her.
We then ate as the two schools found places to sit.

Once we finished eating, Dumbledore stood and walked up to the front of his seat. Then a goblet with flames in it appears. "As we all know you can only join if you are 17. An age line will be placed. Only put your name in if you wish to join. That is all. Have a good night."
I then followed Severus down to the dungeons. Everyone ignored me following him. I don't know if they know that we are mates, but I am more than positive they figured it out. The Slytherins all decided to follow us, and Malfoy fell into step next to me. Right until we were outside Snape's room. Draco is the only one that followed all the way. He stepped in front of me and smiled. An actual smile, not the famous Malfoy smirk.
He held out a hand and said, "Potter."
And I know what he wants. I grinned and said, "Call me Harry, Malfoy."
"Then call me Draco." He replied.
We then shook hands and gave each other a nod, before he walked away.
I turned back to Severus who is smiling. "I'm glad you made up with my godson." He said.
"He's your godson?" I asked. How did I never notice?
Severus nodded and said, "Yes he is." We went into his room and he said, "You can get ready for bed."
I nodded and grabbed some clothes and went to the bathroom. It looked a lot like the prefects, but bigger.
There is a stand-up shower, a big bathtub, and a sink. Along with a body length mirror.
I undressed and got into the shower.
After I showered, I got dressed and went back to the bedroom. Severus is reading a book and he said I can do what I want and went to shower.
I got into the bed and fell asleep.

Severus' p.o.v

When I got out of the bathroom, I saw Harry curled up on the bed, on top of the covers, asleep. I grinned and carefully pulled the covers over him and noticed something strange. It looks like he has glamours on.
I decided I'll ask him about it later and got into bed next to him. He, unconsciously, cuddled up to me, so I put my arms around him and fell asleep.

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