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Harry p.o.v

I broke down sobbing and Hermione hugged me to her. "It's okay Harry you don't need to tell us yet. Do you know what you are?" Hermione said rubbing my back as Ron stood in front of us.
"I-I don't know," I said.
"You're a Veela Harry. You'll get a soul mate. A destined boy, or girl, friend. From the looks of it you are submissive. So most likely a male." Hermione explain.
I sobbed harder. I have been having the feeling that I'm gay, but I was too scared to admit it. Because maybe the wizarding world hates gays just as much as the muggle world. And I am sure that my mate would not want a used, defiled, thing like me. "You're going to stop being my friends, aren't you?" My voice came out as a shaky whisper.

"Why would you think that Harry? We won't care who your mate is. We will always be your friends." Ron said.
"Really?" I said unsure about this.
"Of course Harry. We won't even care if your mate is Malfoy. We will always support and care about you."
I stopped crying trying to forget what my uncle did to me. And just tried to be happy that I will get a mate. "You both are the greatest friends anyone could ask for in the world." Then we were called down for breakfast. I sat in-between Hermione and Ron and just pushed food around my plate.
Ginny who has been staring at me more than any of the Weasley's said, "So Harry, Is your mate around here?" And she pushed out her chest fluttering her eyelashes.
I shook my head and Hermione said, "His mate would be male. And if it was any of you, then he would have clung to one of you and had you comfort him."
I slowly began eating and Mr. Weasley said, "Tomorrow, we will be going to the Quidditch world cup. We will be meeting Mr. Diggory and his son."

The rest of the day nothing really happened. Me, Ron, and Hermione just hung out making sure that I am emotionally stable. They have not asked what happened, just made sure that they kept me happy and did not mention my wings or anything.

The next day Hermione woke us up and told us to get ready. Once we all were we set out to meet Mr. Diggory and his son. Ginny kept flirting with me, which annoyed me to no end.
Once we got to an old boot we saw the Diggory's and we all latched onto the boot that took us to a field that has tents and a big stadium.
We set up a tent that is smaller on the inside than the out and got ready to head out to the stadium.
When we ran into the Malfoys - I smelt something good on both of them, but it was faint. I decided not to question it and just allowed them to talk.
Then we left them and found our seats. When the first team came out, there were dancing girls. Most men and a few women were awestruck, including Ron.
"Hermione, why are they entranced by them?" I asked.
"They're veelas, just like you. One power that they have is to make people feel lust. Any unmated person or a person who likes that gender or someone without a destined mate will be as you say entranced. So, say Ron has a destined mate, he would not react as though in a trance. If he liked males he won't be entranced. If he was married, has a girlfriend or a mate, he won't be affected." Hermione explained. I nodded in understanding.

After the game, Fred and George were boasting about the win.
Then Ron stood on a chair and began talking highly about Victor Krum.
"Aww, does our little Ronny-kins have a crush!" Fred teased.
"Oh, I believe he does," George joined in.
Then we all began singing about his crush.
Then screaming was heard outside. "They're cheering for our win!" The twins said together.
Mr. Weasley came in and told us that it is time to leave. We ran outside and I saw people in black cloaks and strange masks setting tents on fire. Then, a weird symbol was thrown into the sky. My scar burned and I almost fell but Hermione and Ron caught me. Then, we went back to the Burrow.

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