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Harry's p.o.v

I woke up, more warm than usual, and felt something, or someone, behind me. I carefully turned around and saw Snape. I internally panicked for a moment until I remembered that I fell asleep in his bed.
I was not sure what to do when I remembered we have classes. I stared at him wondering if I should wake him up or not. But the decision was made for me when he moved and opened his eyes. "Good morning, Harry." He says.
I grinned and said, "Morning Sevy."
He rolled his eyes and got out of bed. I got out and stood for a moment, then grabbed clothes going to the bathroom and changed.
When I walked out, Severus was also changed and waiting for me. We made our way to the Great Hall in silence. Though it's a good silence, not the uncomfortable one. Severus would glance at me but I ignored it. I'm sure everything is okay. Even though the small voice in the back of my head says it's not. Saying he knows I'm hiding.
But I ignored it. I always check. It's always hidden.
When we got to the doors, Severus said he'd see me in class and left. I went to Hermione and Ron and Ron said, "So, how was it mate?"
"It was good. Warmer than I thought it'd be." I replied taking a small amount of food and began eating.
"Well, we are glad that you had a good time. Are you going to come with us to watch people put their names in the cup?" Hermione said.
"Yeah," I said smiling.
Dumbledore then reminded us that after classes we must put our name in to join. Then the naming would be at dinner.

After classes, me, Ron, and Hermione went to the cup and watched boys and girls from the school's put their names in. Fred and George made a potion to try and get over the line but ended up with beards. 

After we watched and we are walking to the Great Hall for dinner, Draco ran up yelling. "Harry! Harry, I need to talk to you!"

We stopped and turned. "You okay?" I asked.

"Oh, I'm fine. But, I am so confused. So, Fred and George, I saw them on the way here coming out of the infirmary from getting unjinxed. And they said I am their soul mate or something. But that's impossible." Draco explained.
I looked at Ron and Hermione and they shrugged. "So, Fred and George, who are supposedly pureblood, are your mates?" I said slowly.
He nodded and said, "I ran after they said that. I... I'm a coward." And he put his head down.
"I'm- I'm sure it's fine. Just, go talk to them." I said confused and glancing at Hermione and Ron.

"But what do I say?" He asked.
"Um. I'm sorry for running and being an arrogant prick to your family... Um. And, I don't know." I said.
Draco nodded and said, "That-That sounds like a good start. I'll think of something."
"Yeah, come on, let's go to the Great Hall. Don't wanna be late and they're -or the cup- is choosing the contestants." Hermione said.
So we went to the Great Hall and I went to the teacher's table to sit with Severus.

Severus p.o.v

I watched Harry, Draco and Harry's friends walk in, Draco looking a little upset. Harry came up and sat with me. "What happened?" I asked.
"Draco is somehow Fred and George's mates. I don't know anything other than that."
"Okay. Interesting." I said, looking at the twins who are staring at Draco.
Harry shrugged and took a little bit of food and began eating. I also ate.

After dinner had finished and the tables were cleared, the goblet, (Or as Harry has called it, The flaming cup thing), appeared, and Dumbledore stood next to it. Gave a long speech and started calling names.
"First from Durmstrang! Victor Krum! Next from Beauxbatons! Fleur Delacour! Last but certainly not least! Cedric Diggory! You have all." The flames then changed colour and another paper flew out. "Harry Potter?" He said confused. Harry tensed and paled as Dumbledore then yelled, "HARRY POTTER!"

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