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Harry p.o.v

Today I wake up after Severus and he is just holding me running his fingers through my hair. I smile and cuddle to him more nuzzling his neck. "Good morning Harry." He says holding me a little tighter.
"Morning Sevy." I reply.
"Come on let's get breakfast then we can practice more." Severus says getting up.
I reluctantly get up and we get dressed in the same room again. We then go to the great Hall.
I sit with Ron and Hermione and start eating as Severus goes to the teacher table.
Hermione smiles and says, "how did you sleep?"
"Great. How about you?" I reply.
"Wonderful. What are you doing today?" She says.
"We are going to practice more." I answer.
"Can we watch?" Ron ask.
I shrug and say, "don't see why not."

When we finish eating we get my broom and go to the Quidich pich. Ron and Hermione sit in the stands as Severus puts the broom at the other side of the field from me.

We do the same thing as yesterday. I summon the broom a thousand times. Severus placing the broom farther and farther. Though Ron and Hermione are now watching.
I got bored so I decided to summon something else. I summon Severus cloak. That easly comes to me and I put it on smiling at severus who rolls his eyes and points to the broom.
"Hey don't summon Severus clothes off tell your in the bedroom!" Ron yells at me earning a snack from Hermione.
I laugh and go back to summons the broom. Keeping the cloak. It's mine now. It smells like Severus and it's comfortable.

At lunch Draco sits with us and he looks at me strange. "Why are you wearing Severus cloak?" He ask.
"Because I can." I reply.
"He just let you have it?" He ask.
Ron laughed and said, "no Harry stole it during practice. Just summoned it to him."
Draco laughed and said, "really Harry? Didnt know you try to strip him at the Quidich pich." Then Hermione slapped him.
Draco glared at her and Hermione said, "you two need to stop. And Harry you need to focus."
"Yah yah I know. I am. Just got board." I said and continued eating.
"I could imagan doing the same spell over and over be boring." Draco said thoughtfully.
"Not going to be boring when I'm getting chased by an overgrown lizard." I say laughing a bit.
"Do you know what kind of dragons there are?" Ron asked.
"Nope. Just fire breathing dragons." I reply.
Draco grins and says, "you know my name translates to dragon."
"That's cool. If the dragons are anything like you then I'll be sure to beat them." I say smirking.
Draco rolls his eyes and finishes eating.

Time skip to the first task!!!!


I go to the stands with McGonagal and wait with all the other teachers. I already know Harry is going to more than likely get the most dangerous dragon. Just hopefully he puts what he learned to good use.
I put my potions bag under my seat and try to not show that I am worried.
"Don't worry Severus Harry will be fine." Minerva says patting my arm.
"We both know Harry is going to be in more danger than the others." I say pushing her hand lightly away.
Minerva sighes and says, "yes but he will still be okay."
Then the first person comes out. We watch him and then he goes back into the tent with the golden egg. The dragon being taken away. "That dragon did not seem to bad." I mumble.
"Don't think about it Severus. Just watch." Minerva says calmly.
Then the next champion comes out. The dragon just a little worse. Then she goes. The dragon taken away.
As the next kid comes out I go to talk to Harry.
He is pacing mumbling to himself. When he sees me he runs to me and hugs me. Buring his face to my chest. I rub his back and he says, "I am not ready."
"Yes you are Harry. You are going to do wonderful." I say and kiss the top of his head.
"Severus. I'm scared." Harry mumbles.
"It's okay. I promise you are going to do great." I tell him.
I move him to face me and I kiss him on the lips for the first time. when I pull away he is blushing. I grin and kiss his forhead and his name is called.
I go back to my seat and wach Harry walk out. Not blushing but smiling like an idiot.

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