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Harry P. O. V.

Today is a school day and Severus wakes up before me. He gets me up and we get dressed and we go to breakfast. I have told Hermione and Ron about the egg and they tried to help me look though we come up with nothing.

In last class potions we talked about it quietly as we made what Severus asked us to make. Severus would walk around. And as we leave he says, "Harry. Look at Herbology books."
"Okay love you." I say and leave.
Hermione laughs and says, "I guess he got tired of hearing your hoplessness."
I grin and we go to the library. I get all the herbology books I can carry and start to look through ignoring hermione telling me I should do home work first.
When it was almost time fot dinner I found it. Gilly weed. I told them and they said great lets go to dinner.
I skip over to Severus and sit on his lap. "Find it?"
I smile up at him and say. "Yes. Gilly weed."
Severus kisses my forhead and tells me to eat. I start eating.
When we finish we go to our room and fall asleep cuddling.

The next day after classes I go to the Gryffindor common room to do home work with Ron and Hermione.
When I finish I leave to go back to Severus and my room.
"Hey Harry." Ginny says apparing out of no were.
"Hi Ginny." I say grinning.
She stands a little straighter and says, "how are you and Severus?"
I smile and say, "great. He's been really helpful."
"Yah. You must be a real burden to him." She says rolling her eyes.
"What?" I ask confused frowning.
"Oh come on. He has to deal with a teenager who has mental issues and almosy gets killed every year." She says glaring at me.
Shes right. I am a burden.
"I wont be suprised if he wants to leave you." She adds.
I walk away and to Severus room when im stopped again. This time by the albino ferrit. "Hey Harry... whats wrong?"
"Nothing." I say smiling.
"Harry. You have tear marks." Draco says.
I sigh and say, "don't worry about it." And walk away from him.
I whipe my face off and walk into Severus and my room. He is reading a book on the couch and he looks at me when I walk in. "Hello Harry. Are you okay?"
"Yah I'm fine." I say and sit on the couch cuddling him.
He holds me and kisses my forhead. "I can tell somthing is wrong. What is it."
I whimper a little and say. "I was reminded. About. About my worries."
I feel Severus rub my back and kiss my forhead and he says, "I love you harry. And you have nothing to worry about okay? What ever reminded you just forget. Because there is nothing for you to worry about I promise."
I cuddle more to severus and say, "okay Sevy. I love you."
"I love you to. How about we get ready for bed." Severus says.
So we get up take our showers and go to bed.

Severus p.o.v

In the morning I wake up before Harry. I hold him for a minute. Then I check the time and see its time to get up. I lightly shake Harry and he wakes up. "Come on Harry get up."
He just curls more to me and closes his eyes.
"Harry come on." I say getting up.
Harry pouts and looks up at me with puppy eyes.
"Harry we need to go to classes." I say getting our clothes.
Harry gets up and we change and go to the Great Hall.

I go sit at the staff table as Harry sits with his friends. I quietly eat and watch Harry to make sure he does.
He eats less than half and pushes his plate away not talking to his freinds. I sigh and stop eating to. I try to think about what would make Harry so upset. It'd be nice if there was no classes. Then I might be able to take harry somewere to get his mind off it.

After classes I have Harry stay with me and he does his home work as I grade papers.
When I finish I set them aside and look at Harry. His work is pushed aside and his head is resting on the table. "Harry whats wrong?" I ask softly as I run my fingers through his hair.
"Nothing." He mumbles.
I sigh and pick him up and take him to our room. He cuddles to me and I lay him down and I lay next to him cuddling him. "Harry. If anything is bothering please tell me."
"It's still the same things. I'm sorry." Harry replies.
"It's okay. Just relax." I say softly.

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