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Harry p.o.v

I go and sit on the couch and Severus sits next to me. I cuddle to him and he holds me. "I want to make her disappear." I say softly. 

"Me to Harry. But I can not just kill her. I can try and just hope I don't get caught." Severus says and runs his fingers through my hair. 

I look up at him and say, "I'm the boy who lived. I'm sure I can get you out of trouble."

"Yes the brat who lived can get me out of trouble." Severus says grinning.

I smile and say, "Of course I can."

Severus grins and kisses his forhead. "I'm sure you can. I love you Harry and I can try to kill her if that's what you want."

I smile and say, "okay Sevy. Make it painfull."

Severus nods and gets up setting me down and he goes to his potions lab. I follow wanting to know what he is going to do to her.

He looks at me as I sit on a stool near his work desk. Then he goes back to looking through a book.

"What you looking for Sevy?" I ask trying to read it from my angle but there is to many notes on the pages it hard.

"The most painfull deadly potion I can find. There is a lot of good ones." Severus replies.

He stops looking I guess choosing one and starts making it. I watch him make it smiling.  He would glance at me and smile but more focuses on his potion. "How will you give it to her?" I ask as he puts the finishing touches on it.

He smiles as he puts it in a bottle and says, "Well the Slytherin have been kissing up to her because she works in the ministry and has some lead way. They hate her though because of how she teaches. I'm sure one of them will happily poison her."

"Oh that's why there being nice. I thought it was because there jerks." I mumble to myself. 

Severus lightly hits the back of my head and says, "No I thought you liked them now."

"Some of them are nice some of them are still jerks." I say and smile up at him.

He rolls his eyes and kisses my forehead. 

Severus p.o.v

The next day I give the vial to Draco and he smiles and takes it. That is now taken care of. 

In the last class after teaching Harry comes up and I say, "Draco is going to take care of giving her the potion." Harry smiles and hugs me. 

At dinner Umbridge is still alive. I look at Draco who looks at me and shrugs. 

"You know Severus you Slytherins are really sweet. The blond one gave me some cookies. They were really good. Were did he learn to cook?" The... I ran out of names said. to bad she's to ugly to be called a whore. And that would be mean to whores.

"I don't know." I say wondering how the fuck she is alive. Maybe all her fat saved her... shame.

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