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Harry's p.o.v

I am sitting on the pile of rocks that fell last time I was down here, and now I'm looking down at them.

They look up at me. "Harry, what are you doing?" Severus asks.

"Hiding," I answer. 

"How about you get down?" Severus asks.

I smirk, "Okay." I stand up and jump down to the other side of the rock wall blocking me from them.

I start running, even though I know they can't get to me, but I hear the rock wall break as I got to the snake door. I ran to the statue of Salazar and sat on top. 

Severus comes in and looks around. "Harry! Where are you?" He yells.

I curled up on top of the statue, sure he won't notice me. I mean, I know I should talk to him about what he asked, but I really don't want to. 

After he walks around the room for a bit and looks everywhere I could possibly be, I jump down startling him. "Harry, are you okay?" He asks, walking over to me.

"I'm fine," I answer. 

"I'm sor-"

"You have nothing to be sorry for... I ran and you were asking questions that you deserve to know. I was being stupid." I say, cutting him off, looking at my feet. 

Severus sigh, "Yes, but I should have just waited until you were ready to tell me."

I shake my head, "No, I should tell you. It's just... I don't want you to hate me." 

"I will never hate you, Harry." Severus says. "I know it seemed like I did, but I'm sorry, Harry, I do love you." He hugs me, kissing my forehead.

I sniffled and cuddled with him, "I'm sorry." I whimper.

"It's okay, Harry, how about we go back to our room?" Severus replies.

I nod, quickly putting a smile on my face and we went back to my friends and Draco who are still at the end of the slide. 

"Are you okay, Harry?" Hermione asks.

"I'm fine, Hermione," I say, keeping on the fake smile.

We get out of the chamber and Severus leads me back to our room. Hermione Ron and Draco go to the Gryffindor common room.

When we walk into the room I sat on the bed and said, "I-I guess I'll take off the glamours." 

"If that's what you want Harry," Severus said grinning.

I closed my eyes and took off my shirt then allowed my glamors to fall.

Severus' p.o.v

I looked Harry up and down. He is very unhealthy thin and he had cut marks and bruises on his chest, stomach, neck, and arms. Some probably self-inflicted. "Harry..did those muggles do this..?"
Harry nodded and said, " N-Not all though... Some are from me... I'm sorry."
I hugged him to me and sat on the bed pulling him onto my lap. "It's okay Harry. I understand." I said rubbing his back and kissed his forehead.
"S-Severus," Harry asked sounding close to tears.
"Yes, Harry?" I asked trying to stay calm and not think about murdering the muggles.
"Vernon. He... H-He raped me." Harry said and started to sob.
Yep definitely going to murder them. "Don't worry Harry you will never have to go back again. I promise. Now that I am your mate you can live with me. And we can have them dealt with." I say soothingly.
"Thank you." Harry whimpered but still continued to cry.
Not sure what to do because I am not good in these situations I just held him to me and let him cry while rubbing his back.
Once he stopped and just held onto my shirt cuddling me. "Severus? Umm, y-you're not going to tell anyone, are you?" He asked.
"I was thinking we should tell Dumbledore. And I think it'll be a good idea for me to run some diagnostic spells on you." I say thoughtfully.
"I..I don't want to tell him." Harry replies.
"Harry. I think it will be a good idea too." I say firmly.
Harry sits up facing me still on my lap. "Severus. I'm fine. Please." Harry says pleadingly.
I sigh and say, "On one condition." And he looks at me smiling. "You keep the glamors off and tell me if anything at all, is bothering you and makes you want to hurt yourself."
Harry frowns. Then smiles saying, "Okay Severus. I'll do that."
I kiss his forehead and say, "Also tomorrow I am taking you shopping."
Harry whines and I get up setting him on his feet, "It's time for dinner let's go."
Harry puts back on his shirt, and I then practically drag him out of the room and into the Great Hall.

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