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It had been a couple months since I remembered. I told Kat she had to sleep with James to remember. It surprisingly worked. She cried when she found out Ryder was hers. I had just woken up after good sex with Ben.

"Ben wake up!" I shook him awake, my hands covered in blood. There was a pool of blood on the bed, which Ben was half in. "What's up love?" He asked, not opening his eyes. "Bem I'm bleeding. I looked down at myself, I was covered in blood, it was rapidly coming out of my vagina.

At first I thought it was just my period, but then I realised there was far too much blood. Ben jumped straight up and looked at me. Tears stained my cheeks. "Oh my god Alice we have to get you to the hospital! " Ben exclaimed, getting dressed. I got dressed and shoved a tampon in. I groaned at a sharp pain in my stomach.

"Babes come on we got to get you to the hospital." He worriedly said,picking me up bridal style. Ben grabbed some towels, set the on the passengers seat and strapped me in. He got in the drivers side and sped off down the road. I screamed in pain.

"We're almost there." He zipped into the parking lot and helped me into the large white hospital. "Nurse help! My wife is bleeding!" He said to the receptionist at the ER. Immediately doctors rushed me into a room. I got changed into scrubs as they set me on a hosp bed. Ben was pacing back and forth. An old doctor came in and said unfamiliar words, the tampon was removed and blood poured out of me. I passed out quickly.

I awoke to see dim florencent lights and dull colored walls. I frantically looked around me. Ben was squeezing my hand tightly. I looked down to see blood stains everywhere.

"What happened?" I croaked out. Ben kissed me on the lips softly. "You passed out. The doctor stopped it and should be back to tell us what is wrong." Ben had bags under his eyes and his hair was a mess. This made me wonder how long I had been out. "Mrs. Lucker?" A doctor with white hair and a warm face smiled. "Yes?" I asked quietly. 

"Alright I have some bad news." He looked down at his clipboard. I sat up, still holding Ben's hand. "Unfortunately one of your ovaries started bleeding and we had to remove it. Now your other isn't working properly. I'm afraid there's a 90% chance you won't be able to have kids." My mouth went wide. Tears burned in my eyes. "I did stop the bleeding so you are free to go now." He sadly smiled, leaving the room. I stood up slowly and put on my clothes. Ben and I didn't say a word. I walked out to the waiting room.

Kat and James immediately jumped up. I just ignored them and walked to the car. I got in the passengers side and Ben got behind the wheel. We drove off without another word. I silently cried, the radio muffling my sobs. Ben turned down the Led Zeppelin playing. "I still love you, you know that?" He looked back and forth between me and the road.

"I know." I breathed. He grabbed my hand and interlocked our finger, running circles on my hand with his thumb. We pulled up to the familiar manson and walked in. Ben helped me upstairs to change. I put on black spandex and one of Ben's shirt. "Come downstairs, I'll make you something to eat." Ben smiled, but his eyes were sad. I nodded and followed him downstairs.

  I went into the living room and curled up into a soft blanket on the couch.  "What happened?" Kat asked frantically. "I can't have kids." I sobbed out. James picked up Ryder and put his hand on my shoulder. Ben came in with a sandwich. I sat up and ate the veggie sandwich. "Are you okay?" He asked sitting next to me. I set the plate down on the coffee table, finished with my sandwich and leaned onto him.

"It's 90% chance, not for sure." He laid down, hugging me from behind. "I love you." I nuzzled my face into his neck. "I love you too."

10 years later

"Mum! Come here!" Sebastian yelled from his room. "What is it darling?" I asked walking into his red painted room. "So I found this toy guitar on sale and I really want it please!" He begged, giving me the puppy dog eyes. Sebastian's brown hair was messy. He had hazel eyes just like his fathers, but his skin was as white as mine.

"Fine." I groaned.. "Mum?" I turned around. "Yes?" I asked, sitting on the edge of his bed. "Alls I want to do is be in a  bands. I love to play music. What did you do when you were young?" She laughed, running a hand through her purple hair.

"I used to fan girl over bands." I giggled at the memories. "Mostly my band." Ben poked his head in.  I jumped up and threw my arms around him. "Babe your home!" I kissed him on the lips. "Daddy!" Sebastian hugged his leg. Sebastian was wearing his race car pajamas. I picked Sebastian up and held him in one arm.

"I can't believe we did it. I love you." I kissed Ben on the lips. He immediately responded. "I love you too." Ben said in-between kisses.

And that's how it ended, my story I mean. We lived semi happily ever after. Ben and I finally had a kid after, many, many, many tries. I nearly died giving birth to Sebastian and had to get my ovaries removes and my tubes tied. Ben has been very sucessful in his career. Kat and James ended up getting married after he asked her like 8 times, stubborn little bitch. Ben and I got our own house in England.

And that's where I'm now. Finally after all the bullshit a happy ending. Well semi, Ben's still an ass

Am not! ~Ben

You are so! You cheated on me with my sisters. Plus you slept with Kat's hair dresser while I was pregnant!

Hey I was drunk and you were being all hormonal and shit. I didn't want to deal with that.

Bite me. This is my story, not yours. Stay away from my writing. This isn't in your POV now is it?

No but everyone comes here for me. Without me there's no story

Ugh I hate when you're right

You love me  ;)

Unfortunately I do.


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