Run Free

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"Answer the door fucker." Danny yelled to James. James groaned and went to answer it.

"Hey guys." A somewhat familiar deep voice said. The man came up the step to reveal himself. "Alice?" He asked seeming shocked. I looked up from my Iphone to see Joel. "Oh fuck off!" I groaned loudly at his prescence.

All of the boys seemed quite confused. "Don't tell me he's in the band too." I whined obnoxiously.

"No, I'm not. Why the fuck are you here?" He spat annoyed. "Because I'm fucking Ben. Why are you here?" I blurted out, clearly not thinking.

But it would be a good jab at Joel. Ben looked at me confused. I mouthed to him. 'Play along'. "You are so not fucking Ben, and I'm here because I'm their friend." Joel rolled his eyes at me.

He hadn't changed at all in the five years. Same black fringe, tall skrony  boy. He was wearing a Led Zeppelin shirt and skinnies.

"Actually she is, James too. Sometimes even Danny." I glared at Ben's confidence. Joel looked shocked. I felt accomplished.

"Slut." Joel muttered under his breath. "I'm not in the mood Joesph." I spat his name like acid.

"Anyways I was just going to ask if you want to head to the bar later?" Joel turned to the guys. They all awkwardly nodded, uncomfortable in the environment they were in. After a pause of awkward silence, Joel left.

"What the fuck was that all about?" James asked me. "I don't want to elaborate. Can someone grab me a thing of tea?" I asked, exhausted. Why I was exhausted, I wasn't too sure.

James got up and began making me a cup of tea. I closed my eyes leaning my head onto the back of the couch.


I woke up to loud yelling and violent banging. I pried my crusty eyes open. No one was around. But there was still violent yelling. It was coming from outside the bus. I grogily stood up and went to check it out. The boys were in a spread out circle yelling, more cheering actually.

As I came closer, I saw that Joel and Ben were tackling eachother, throwing punches. Ben was clearly winning by the state Joel's face was in.

"What the fuck!" I yelled over the big commotion. No one stopped what they were doing however. I grunted and pushed my way into the middle.

"HEY! FUCK BOYS FUCK OFF!" I yelled pushing my self in between them. "Grab them!" I demanded to the rest of Asking Alexandria. The guys did as told, two of the holding back one.

Ben was struggling out of their grip. "What the hell is going on!?" I screamed, looking over to Ben. He avoided eye contact with me and looked at the ground. His left eye was all puffy and swolen.

"Fucking asshole jumped me." Ben stated angrily, his accent making me laugh quietly. "Ya cause you're sleeping with my girl!" Joel defended himself. I looked at him taken aback. "Your girl?  She's my girl!" Ben yelled back. What was this claiming me thing.

"First of all, I am not your girl." I glared directly at Joel. "Second of all, I'm also not your girl." My glare now directed at Ben." Now let him go." Joel scoffed and Cam and Sam let him go. "Now leave!" I yelled at him. Joel scurried away like the coward he is. I scoffed at how ridiculous this was.

I rolled my emerald eyes and headed back into the bus. Once I had sat down at one of the booths, the boys came in. Ben last, his eye was swollen and pussing. "Fuck mate, you look like shit." Danny chuckled. Ben sat down on the beige couch across from my booth. He seemed exhausted.  His Smiths shirt was all ruffled and his hair was a mess.

I strode over to him. He barely could open his eye. "Here let me take a look." I examined his eye. It was red, swollen and pussing. "James grab me a warm wet cloth. That is clean." I instructed. Moments later he came back with the cloth.

"Thanks love, now make me a cup of Earl grey and cut up some cucumbers. " James looked confused, but did as told. "You're making James make you a snack?" I ignored Danny's sarcastic comment and dabbed Ben's now brusing eye. He flinched.

"Does that hurt?" I asked sincerely. "No dumbass, it feels orgasmic." Ben snapped. I merely rolled my eyes. "Here are the cucumbers and here's your tea. " James handed me a small Emerald plate with slices of cucumbers and a cup of tea. I stood up from bending over and chugged my tea. I then put my tea bag on the plate and set the plate down beside me on a grey table.

"Alright now lay down. " Ben did as asked and laid down on the couch. "Close your eye." He asked no questions,  clearly in a lot of pain. I grabbed the biggest cucumber slice and put it on his eye. "You're giving him a spa day?" Danny made another comment, making Ben laugh.

"No numb nuts, it will take the swelling and redness out." After about an hour or so I came back to check on his eye. Once I lifted the cucumber, he opened his eye with ease. It was barely pink and not at all swollen, just bruised slightly.

"Alright close it again." I sat down on the small part of couch by his waist. I grabbed the warm wet tea bag and placed it on his eye, pressing down lightly.

"What's that for nurse lady." Danny smirked. He really got on my nerves sometimes. "It will pull the puss out." I informed them. After another 20 minutes of me playing Crossy Road, I took the tea bag off and used a tissue to take all the gooey puss out.

"Alright all done!" I cheered. Ben slowly sat up and opened his left eye. "I like when you play nurse." Ben smirked to me earning him one of my famous eye rolls.

"Holy shit it worked. " Danny exclaimed closely examining Ben's eye. "Yeah I know I'm kind of good at those kind of things." I smiled to him. Ben stood up and stretched his tattooed arms above his head.

"Alright now that I can see, let's go to the bar!" Ben suggested.

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