Dance Fucker Dance

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"Babes... hurry up I have a private session in like an hour." I yelled to Kat. Kat and I have been living together since we were 17.

I got in a car crash and we both lost our memory for a few years. But we were told that, after Joel we ended up moving to LA together. It was weird to not have my memory for a year but we dealt with it. Kat and I were struggling for money. We wanted to be actors and make it big in LA but we took that butterfly of a dream and put it in a jar on the shelf.

We had to resort to dancing at gentleman's club. As much as I hated it, I swallowed my pride and put on a good show. The better you were, the more money you made. "I'm coming!" She ran out in red heels and a trench coat. Her hair and makeup were done. A black smokey eye and red lips. Her hair was curled and swept to the side. We got into the car and drove to the club. We ran in the back to avoid everyone.

"Alison there you are! You're private starts in like ten minutes." One of our good friends Briana said. She was a tan brunette who always wore bright red. I put my trench coat on the coat rack. I wore a black bra top that had a strap that came down the middle of my chest and attached to the thin should straps, black leather booty shorts and black heels. My red hair was curled into an up do. I had black smokey eye makeup.

"Okay Bri I'm ready. How many are there?" I asked her, getting ready to go in. "Five I think." I nodded to her and went into the room. I immediately started dancing . I swayed my hips side to side. Bri was right there were five.

One had shorter hair and a soft baby face, another had long hair and scruff, he was very skinny. There was another with a sweet face, and a longer beard. One of the guys was very tall and looked classy. He had short hair and plugs. The last guy had puffy brown hair. They all wore tattoos and skinny jeans.

I smiled a toothy smile and leaned over the really skinny one with long hair. His eyes went wide, almost as if he knew me. I turned around and bent over infront of the taller one with the spacers.

"Dude." He slapped the one beside him. A hand started lifting up my shorts. I stood up quickly and strutted off. "Don't I have a really bad tattoo." I flirtatiously smirked. "Oh trust me I know." The one with the messy hair said in a british accent.

"Let me see." The one beside him said in a deep british accent. He began to lift my shorts up. "Who's Ben Bruce?" The one with messy hair asked. "I don't know. I don't remember getting the tattoo. I lost my memory for a year or so after I was in a car crash." I have no idea why I told them this but it just happened. "Would you excuse us for a moment. " The tall one grabbed the messy haired one and went to the corner to talk.

I continued dancing on the remaining three. I was shaking my ass on the bearded one. He had his hands on either side of me.

"Alison stop dancing." The one with the messy hair demanded. He sat down on the couch and croased his legs leaning back on the red couch. I stood infront of them confused.

"What?" I asked. "We didn't come here for a lap dance." The tall one began. "We heard your singing, and wanted you to sing on our upcoming album. We're in a band called Asking Alexandria. I'm Ben this is James, Danny, Sam and Cameron." The one with the shaggy hair said.

I scrunched up my eyebrows. "Ben.....?" I asked, hoping it was Bruce so I could have some explanation for my tattoo. "Bruce, but we didn't know eachother, you were probably a fan or one of my drunk one night stands." He painfully croaked out. There was something odd in his eyes.

"I knew you guys seemed familar. I've heard of you. So you want me to sing for you on your album?" They nodded their heads. "Hell yeah!" I smiled. "We'll fly you out to Texas and you'll live with James and I." Ben informed me. "Wait can my best friend come with me?" I asked squealing.

"What's your best friend's name?" The one called James asked a little too quickly for my liking. "Kat." I said a tad weirded out by his eagerness. "Yes go grab her. We'll drive you to your house pick up your stuff then our flights tomorrow morning." Danny said, speaking for the first time.

I jumped for joy and ran to go get Kat. "Kat!!!" I yelled looking for her. I ran around the whold dressing room until I found her. "Kat guess what?!" I yelled jumping for joy.

"What?" She rolled her eyes at me. "These guys they are going to take us out of here." I squealed. "Ali don't be so naive. They all say that." She hissed dryly. "No they're from Asking Alexandria you know that song, Not The American Average? Yeah them. They want me to sing and said I could bring you." Her eyes went wide.

"Oh fuck it Let's do it!" She jumped up and we ran and put our coats on. "Kat you have to go on!" Our cranky old boss yelled. She had plastic everything and was a total bitch. "Fuck you Sharline! We quit!" Kat and I pushed over four makeup tables, the mirror shattering. We kicked in a window and ran out the back, Sharline chasing after us. Kat and I took off our heels, put them in our hands and ran to the front to meet the guys. Once we reached them, Sharline was yelling at us.

"Go go go!" We yelled. They began to run with us to their cars. We got in withe Ben and James. James sped off before anyone could even buckle their seat belts. "Why was she chasing you?" James asked, looking at Kat through the mirror. "We broke a bunch of shit and quit." She chuckled. "I'm Kat by the way." She smiled to the two.

"I'm James and this is Ben." He smiled to us. But his eyes showed something else I couldn't quite put my finger on.

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