Last Day

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Today was the last day of Warped. It was kind of sad since I was growing great friendships with other bands.

Kat, Ben and I were all moving into James's house so that we were closer to the studio in Cali. Danny, Sam and Cameron were moving in with Sam. I couldn't even remember the last time I slept in a real bed and not a bunk.

We were sitting at the signing tent. The boys had just preformed their last show. It was a killer performance. Kat and James had just recently started dating as well. They were the most adorable couple ever.

They were so romantic, unlike Ben and I who had rare cute moments and just got drunk and fucked all the time. It wasn't my ideal situation, but at least I was with him.

I sighed as they signed pictures, tee shirts and even a guitar. Danny had me sing with them again. It was very fun, made me almost want to start a band. I went to go see Pierce The Veil and Of Mice & Men for their last shows. Kat totally fangirled over Austin and Vic.

A girl about my height with bright blue hair came up to me. "Hi Alice! You're an amazing singer! You should totally start a band ." I gave her a small hug in thanks.

"Thank you so much doll. I think I might!" She grinned ear to ear. "So what's with the article, I read your tweets that you said it wasn't true." The girl asked curiously. Kat seemed to get offended, but I didn't.  "Oh yeah, my ex boyfriend lied, I walked in on him screwing my best friend and the blonde girl was screwing Ben." I laughed, hiding my undying anger towards the two.

"Wait, are you and Ben dating?" She asked, squealing.  I nodded, making her squeal louder. "That's amazing! How is he?I know he has a reputation. " The girl said softly hoping it wasn't a touchy topic. "He's....  Ben. He hasn't cheated on me since we dated but it's only been a week so. If he does it's over." I said sternly. What looked like her boyfriend called her over. "It was great to meet you!" She yelled running back to her boyfriend. "What a sweet girl! " I cheered happily.

   Soon the long day was over, we had a big party at the end. "Alice!" Kellin yelled to me. I turned around and smiled at him. "Hey Kellin." His dark hair was messier than normal and he was wearing an Anthem made shirt.

"We're writing a new album, you should sing on it." He suggested. I nodded and exchanged numbers. I grabbed a pretty colored cooler and took a drink of it. The cool liquid danced across my taste buds.

By the end of the night we were piss drunk, which was a terrible idea since we were moving the next day. I was awoke by someone shaking me awake. "Go away Kat!" I groaned. A deep male voice laughed. "Alice come on we're at the house." James said, laughing.

I groaned and rolled out of bed. My suitcases were already packed, Kat probably. I struggled to pull my suitcases to the lounge. My head killed. Ben was curled up on the couch with his eyes closed. I could tell he was awake though. Just in pain. "Dude babe! We're leaving." I poked at Ben. He cracked one eye open and smuggly smiled re closing his eye.

James grabbed Kfat's suitcase and brought it out of the bus. Ben got up and grabbed his one duffle bag and one of my suitcases. I brought the other one and Kat grabbed her other one. We exited the bus to see a gorgeous white and black house. The door was a vibrant red and stood out. There were two giant oak trees on either side of the driveway. The house was truly gorgeous.

I stood in awe. "Come on, we can look around later." Ben said impatiently. I snapped out of my awe and continued to walk towards the house. I handed Ben my other suitcase and went back to grab my box of tea. I did one final check of the bus before going into the house. The first thing you saw was a grand staircase. Like the one in Prom movies. The floor was white tile.

"Come on the room is up the stairs. I set my box down and grabbed Ben's duffle bag, since it was the lightest. We all followed James up the giant staircase. We went down a hall with many white doors. "Bathroom, office, spare bedroom, studio, other bathroom, my room," He opened the door and brought his bag and Kat's suitcases.

  I followed them in. The room was giant, the size of your average living room. There was a King size bed in the middle a Flat screen Tv on the wall, and even a couch. There was lots of posters of bands as well and even a giant ensuite with jacuzzi and everything. I had no idea James was so classy. We dropped their stuff on and continued with our tour. "Spare room number two, other office and this will be your room." James opened the last door in the hallway. The room was just a tad smaller than James's.

The walls were Royal blue and had white carpet. There was a black kimg sized bed in the middle, a double closet, a flat screen and even a couch. The ensuite was identical to James's.  "Holy shit this is amazing." Ben didn't seem as surprised, I figured he had already seen it. "Alright we will un pack and then meet at the stairs to continue our tour." James informed us, walking back to their room with a speechless Kat.

"This place is huge!" I exclaimed. Ben began to put his clothes away in one side of the closet. My clothes however took a closet and a half. Not even including my shoes, that I had shipped out here along with the rest of my clothes.

"Why do you have so many shoes!?" Ben asked looking at my collection. "Why do you sleep with so many woman?" I sassed back. "Because it's fun." He stated. "Well then, because it's fun." I laughed . "Touche." He narrowed his eyes playfully.

I continued unpacking with Ben's help for what felt like a week. When we were finally done we went out to the stairs. "Woman and their shoes." James tsked. Kat and I both giggled. We went back down the stairs and into a beautiful kitchen with granite counters and stainless steel appliances.  The place was spotless.

There were 3 other bathrooms and a dinning room and living room with a giant flat screen. "We're going to go crash." Ben said pulling me up the stairs and into our room. We flopped on the bed and went to sleep.

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