Warped Day One

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I yawned waking up. "Alice come on we have to go to Warped. " A deep voice echoed through my head.

I opened my eyes to see Danny, with his messy hair and beard staring down at me. I groaned and slowly got out of bed. I violently brushed through my purple hair, and put on some black eyeliner.

I wore black shorts that were shorter than I would like and a ripped misfits top. I put on my black converse and headed out to the front of the bus.

All the guys were getting ready. "Thanks for getting us home safety. " Sam smiled to me. "No problem. You and Cam were easy. Now these three." I looked over to Ben, Danny and James.

"I did nothing!" James protested, putting his hands up. "No you weren't too bad, Danny started screaming like a child  and called me his mum . Ben was just swaying around like an idiot and trying to fuck me."

The boys bursted out into a fit of laughter.

We started walking out the bus to the venue. "So we preform at 4pm and after we sign stuff at the tent." Cameron informed me.

We walked past many colorful  tents. Occasional fans asked for pictures and hugs. The time past by quickly, and soon it was time for the boys show. I stood at the side and watched.

"We're Asking Alexandria and we came to fuck shit up." I rolled my eyes at Danny. How cliche. They started off with Not The American Average. I quietly sang along. After a few songs Danny stopped. "Now I'm going to get my ass kicked for this. But we're going to call up Alice."

I looked at him confused. 'What the fuck?' I mouthed to Danny. He just ran over and dragged me onto stage. Literally dragged me.

"Alright Alice now that you're finally on stage, what's up?" I crossed my arms and pouted like a spoiled six year old. "Now Alice has managed to resist all of our sex appeal and not sleep with any of us. Which is new. How do you do it?" Danny smirked. I did a famous eye roll. "It's hard but I manage." I sarcastically answered. "So you're gonna sing for us?" I rapidly shook my head no. Danny responded my nodding his head yes.

"You fucking asshole no way." I hissed at him. Danny was grinning like a mad man. "Sing for us! Sing for us! Sing for us!" Ben started chanting into his mic. I glared directly at him when the crowd chanted along. He smirked and pointed to me.

"Alright fine. For your fans cause I'm one." I gave up. The crowd cheered. "Now what song do you wanna sing?" Danny asked. I thought for a moment. " I'll sing Bring Me Back To Life by Evanescence just for shits and giggles, Danny you know your parts?" I laughed. Danny nodded and Ben gave me a thumbs up. Butterflies were in my stomach.

I tested my voice, doing do ray mis. I was going to kick all of their asses. The begining played. I opened up. "How can you see into my eyes, like open doors." I sang into the microphone.

My voice didn't sound too bad actually. Gaining more confidence I continued. "Wake me up!" Danny sang back to me. "Wake me up inside!" I looked at him. "I can't wake up!" He raspily sang. "Call my name and save me from the dark." I was completely comfortable at this point. I was kind of proud of myself actually.

"Frozen inside..." I was rocking the stage. The fans sang along. I  smiled at their happy faces. I understood right then and there why these boys loved their job so much.

The song ended and I awkwardly smiled. "Jesus fucking Christ you're good. I was trying to embarrass you cause you couldn't sing." Danny laughed, seeming blown away. A smug smile grew on my face. I casually walked off the stage.

The boys did Someone Somewhere and were done. They came running off the stage covered in sweat. "Nice show guys!" I cheered. They grabbed towels and waters. "You were amazing!" Cameron exclaimed."Yeah who knew you could sing like that!" James added in. My smug smile reappeared. "Thanks guys!" They all changed their sweat covered shirts before going to their signing.

We were chilling out in their tent. There was a huge line of fans. They all said sweet words about the boys performance.

"You were amazing Alice!" A girl who looked to be about my sister's age cheered. She had vibrant pink hair and a Asking Alexandria shirt on. "Aw thanks doll!" I smiled giving her a small hug. "Hey dude babes, do any of you want some water?" I asked the boys. They all vigorously nodded. I pulled out six waters from under the tent and handed one to each.

The day flew by like crazy.  Soon it was time for the barbeque that happened after every Warped day. The air was filled with smoked meat scent. I gagged. "Why the fuck are you gaging?" Ben asked. "Vegetarian " was all I managed to croak out. I saw Danny talking to Andy Biersack of Black Veil Brides and almost died, fan girling. I calmly walked over. "Hey Danny!" I smiled to him.

"Oh hey Ali, this is Andy he's in—"

"Black Veil Brides." I cut him off laughing. "It's nice to meet you!" Andy cheered, giving me a small hug. I met many of my idols. It was a great night.  I headed back to the bunks before anyone else and passed out immediately.

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