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We had just gotten to the bar, when Ben started drinking.

"Get me another drink woman." He demanded to me. "Shouldn't it be you that's getting me a drink?" I snapped back.

"Yeah yeah whatever." He was clearly not paying attention to me. I rolled my eyes and walked over James and Cameron. "He's kind of an asshole." I huffed. They both agreed. Everyone was drinking loads, except me considering I had to drive.

"You're very pretty you know." James slurred in between gulps of beer. "Yeah, yeah, yeah." I laughed. Two strong arms wrapped around my waist from behind.

"I thought I told you to get me a drink, don't be such a tease." Ben chuckled, clearly drunk. I rolled my eyes at him. He didn't seem to want to let go of me. Ben just swayed side to side. "You're so drunk." I giggled, sliding out of his grip. The guys were drinking tons. "And you're a slut." He poked, slapping my ass. "Not funny." I growled. "Dance slut dance." Ben was really pissing me off.

"Hey sexy!!!" Ben yelled. I turned around to see my little sister Natalie, walking past him. Her hair was ebony with vibrant red underneath.

She looked at me. "What are you doing in Ohio?" She asked sweetly. "I'm on Warped with Asking Alexandria. What are you doing at a bar? You're far too young." I stated sternly. She laughed.

"There's a resturant in the back, I was just looking for a bathroom. " She giggled again. She was always so peachy. "Who's this?" Ben asked, stumbling around. "This is Natalie my little sister." I told him. "Natalie... " he repeated the name many times. "I'm I'm I'm... " I laughed . "Ben." I finished for him.

"Fucking whore I knew that." Ben yelled harshly. I headed off to the bathroom to check my makeup. It was a little smugged. The black eyeliner was faded to a charcoal color, my red lipstick was faded and my eyeshadow was barely visible. My stupid skin tight pants hurt, my strapless top was too tight. My feet killed in the heels and I couldn't even drink!

I strode out and Natalie was gone. "Come on boys that's your cut off. " I announced. They were all too drunk to function. I helped Cam out to the car first because he was very light. Sam was next, then James.

When I tried to get Danny he screamed. "No! You can't make me go mum!" Acting like a child. I rolled my eyes, which I seemed to be doing a lot of since I've been on Warped. I got Danny to the car, barely.

I went back in to get Ben. He was swaying around the bar, getting stares from everyone. "Come on Ben time to go. " I pulled his arm around my shoulders and helped him to the car.

"We could fuck so hard." Ben drunkly suggested. I put him in the car and drove back to the bus. Helping them on was even harder. They all ended up sleeping on our bus.

Cam slept on the floor, Sam on the table. I passed out in my bunk. Luckily, the guys were too drunk to climb in.

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