Sink or Swim

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I woke up gasping. I got out of bed to see I had slept all night. Yesturday, I just stayed in my bunk all day.  I walked out to the main lounge. Dry tears were stuck on my eyes. James, Ben and Tyler were all seated on the couch. "Hey James can I talk to you?" I asked kindly. He nodded and followed me to the bunks, once the door was sealed I spoke.

"Look James I'm really sorry about the other night.  I was really pissed off at Ben and apparently really horny. I really hope this doesn't change things between us. It was more of a one time thing." My heart broke. I felt terrible but I really did make a mistake. "Yeah I know a one night stand type thing." His voice was even which made me feel a little better. "Thanks for understanding."

We walked back out to see Danny and Sam on the bus. "What was all that about?" Danny asked in his obnoxious way if speaking. "Nothing just clarifying that it was only a one night stand thing." James informed him.

"What! James slept with Alice? We've all been trying to bang that and James out of all people beats us to it?" Danny exclaimed dramatically. I rolled my eyes at him. "So Tyler tells me you're a little Schiz bitch?" Danny chuckled. "No I'm not anymore. All of that bullshit is lies." I said annoyed.

I asked Danny to get me down a cup of tea. I began to make it. "You drink more tea than a british person." He laughed.

"Come on we gotta go play." I nodded and changed into a Bring Me The Horizon shirt and jean shorts. I walked off the big bus. Insteaded of following the guys I decided to go visit my sister and Bryan. I took a long walk over to the Youtubers tent, being stopped by fans asking about the article on the way.

When Miranda saw me and her eyes went wide. She immediately wrapped her arms around me and rubbed my back."Awe Alice I can't believe what they said!" She exclaimed.  I nodded in agreeance.  "I know! They so crossed a line. And Joel's is such a prick." I sighed stressed.

I gave Bryan a small hug. He was wearing his usual blue aeropostal and jeans. "This is Johnnie my little bitch. " Bryan gestured to a skinny boy with brown fringe and a My Chemical Romance shirt on. "Hi I'm Alice." I gave him a small hug. We started talking about bands and realised we have a lot in common. "I'm so sorry about that article. The media can be assholes some times. " Johnnie gave me a warm hug. "Well it was great meeting you!"

I turned back to Miranda. "How are the guys?" She asked. I filled up with anger. "I slept with James but only cause I was pissed at Ben. Speaking of Ben, Oh my god. Ben is such a dick! He was like "what if you blacked out and don't remember? '' I mimicked his accent.

Miranda  eyes went wide, fear almost. She gave me eyes to look behind me. I turned around to see Ben. He was wearing a black hat on side ways, an Iron Maiden shirt and skinnies. My stomach dropped. "Your imitation was great." He laughed giving small waves to the fans. "Alice can I talk to you?" I looked to Miranda who nodded. "Um sure."

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