James Parents

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"Alice Lilian Lucker! Come here!" Kat yelled worried. I groaned and got out of bed. I ran over to her . She was hunched over the bathroom.

"I haven't had my period in six weeks and I've been throwing up in the mornings." She sobbed. My eyes went wide. Those were signs of pregnancy.  I clasped a hand over my mouth. We ran down stairs.

"Where are you guys going?" James asked, walking in with Ben.  I immediately looked at the ground. "No time for questions. We'll be back in twenty. Love you!" Kat pulled me out of the house and into her car. We sped off down the road. She was tense.

"It's okay Kat." I reassured her. "No it's not okay! I don't want kids. What if James doesnt want it? I can't be a single mom!" She rambled on. "Kat I'm sure he'll want it. " We pulled into the local drug store and practically ran in. Kat grabbed five pregnancy tests and put them on the counter.

She impatiently tapped her thigh. The clerk put them in a bag. "Debit." Kat paid at lightening speed, grabbed the bag and raced home. She dragged me into the first bathroom she saw. She peed on the first, then the second, third,fourth and finally fifth.

"Calm down it takes two minutes to process." She was pacing back and forth. "THIS IS THE LONGEST TWO MINUTES OF MY LIFE!" Finally the first one popped up. "Oh my god it's possitive. A minute later the second said positive. In the end they all said positive.

"Oh my god I'm pregnant!" I hugged her and rubbed soothing circles on her back. I grabbed her hand and brought her out to the living room where Ben and James were playing video games.

"James." Kat sniffled. James turned his head, when he saw Kat he paused the game and came running over. He wrapped his arms around her as she cried into his shoulder.

"What's wrong Kat?" He squeezed her. She tried to speak but they just came out as sobs. I handed one of the pregnancy tests to him. His eyes went wide in shock. "Oh my god!" He gasped. Ben joined us, I glared at him.

"I'm so sorry." She cried into his shoulder. James tried to comfort her but seemed to be in complete shock. "Don't be sorry." James hugged her. "I promised my parents I'd have dinner with them. You, Alice and I are all going over there tonight. Ben's going to the bar. I scoffed. Kat had finally calmed down and excepted she was pregnant. She seemed happy now.

"Come on we should leave now." James said to Kat. We both got ready in a flash. She wore a cute strapless black dress and I wore leggings and a blouse. We went into James Mercedes. The drive was just over 20 minutes.

We arrived a cute bungalow. The house was mostly grey with the occasional pinchs of maroon. James knocked on the door and sweet woman answered thw door. She had brown grey hair that was cut into a bob.

You could see a lot of her in James. The woman threw her arms around James and embraced him in a hug. She opened the door for us. We all took of our shoes and put them in their closet.

"Mum, this is my girlfriend Katharine and her best friend, now Ben's ex girlfriend Alice!" James's mum gave us each a warm hug. "You have a lovely home Mrs. Cassells." I smiled to her.

"Oh please call me Synthia!" She smiled. We were brought to a cute living room. The walls were dark brown and there were fall themed decorations on the walls. There was a cheese and cracker tray on the table. I helped myself.

"Can I get you guys anything to drink?" His mum asked sweetly. We all asked for water. Except James who asked for a beer. "Dinner should be ready in fifteen minutes." His mum smiled, handing us each a drink. A very tall man with greying dark brown hair and a short beard walked out from down the hallway.

"Hey dad. This is my girlfriend Katharine and her best friend, Ben's ex Alice." James repeated. Kat and I both shook his father's hand. "So how long have you two been dating?" James's father asked. "A few months, halfway through Warped." Kat smiled. "Dinner's ready!" His mother, Synthia cheered. She set food on the table. We all sat down and made our plates.

I had caesar salad and mashed potatoes. "Have some chicken dear." His mum suggested. "Oh I'm a vegetarian." I informed her kindly. "Oh I'm terribly sorry dear." I told her it was tottaly fine and continued eating.

"So what do you do for a living?" James's dad asked Kat. "Well I haven't got a steady job yet, since I moved across country but I'm hoping to do something involving music. " She answered politely.  "You should start a band." The table filled with laughter. "So Alice, James said you were Ben's ex. What did he do this time?" Her tone turned venomous at the end. "Cheated on me with my little 17 year old sister. Literally walked in on him." I stated dryly.

"That boy just can't keep his dick in his pants. Oh sorry pardon my language. " I laughed, agreeing with his mother.

"So uhm Kat and I have a little bit of an announcement." James cleared his throat. "So Kat is uhm pregnant!" He cracked out. James's mother gasped dramtically. His dad patted him on the back. "Oh that's just wonderful! How far along are you?" Synthia asked. "I'm not sure we haven't seen the doctor yet. " Kat beamed. She seemed so happy.

I envied her and James's relationship.  I had no hope for my future. The rest of the night included small talk and James's mother obsessing over the baby. We finally made it home. When we got in the house, there was beer glasses shattered on the floor. Ben was passed out with his head on the counter.

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