Break Down

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I woke up suddenly. I checked my phone to realise it was 2:34am. I groaned and hoped off my comfy bunk to go make a cup of tea. I was stopped on my way by a peculiar noise coming from the back lounge.

Curiousity took over and I quietly went to go check it out. I was getting a sudden sense of Deja Vu. I peered open the door, to see Ben pounding a brunette  girl. I shut my eyes tight.

I opened them realising I knew that girl. I opened the door some more. My suspicions were right. "Natalie!?" I yelled. Both of their heads shot back at me.

"Oh my god Alice!" Ben yelled panicked. Tears welled up in my eyes. I ran out. Ben threw on boxers and chased me through the bunks, to the front part and out the door.

"Alice wait!" I stopped dead on the pavement. "Alice I'm so sorry." He put his hand on my shoulder but I just pushed it off. "Just like before." I muttered to myself.

————Flash Back————

"He'll be so excited you're back so early!" Katharine cheered, driving me home from the airport in her red Ford Explorer.

"I know I can't wait to give him the tickets, then we can move to California and be happy together." I dreamily sighed.

"We're almost there!" Katharine exclaimed. We pulled into my familiar driveway and started unpacking my things in my room.

"How you managed to get those tickets without your parents noticing is beyond me." She laughed, helping me unpack. "I know I'm kind of scared but more excited. " I cheered.

Katharine, Joel and I were all going to move to California together. Sure I was only 16 and Katharine and Joel were 17, but we would manage.

"Alright all done now! Can we go see Joel?" I asked impatiently. She nodded, and I practically ran into the car. We sped off down the road. Moments later we arrived at his house.

Katharine parked at the side of the road to avoid getting caught by his parents. I walked around back and unlocked the door with the spare key he had given me. I crept inside, Katharine waiting in the car. I weaved my way down the dark halls and up the stairs until I was at his door. Strange noises were coming from behind the door. I peered it open and saw a horrific site. Joel was pounding into Emily, my good friend. I clasped a hand over my mouth to muffle my gasp. But he turned around and saw me.

Tears burning in my eyes. "Alice !" He whisper yelled. He threw on boxers and chased after me. I ran straight out of the house.

"Alice I'm so sorry." He put a hand on my shoulder but I pushed it off. "Don't just don't. " I spat with my back facing him.

"Alice I'm sorry I love you." I laughed. "No you don't.  If you loved me Joel you wouldn't be pounding one of my best friends. You don't love me and you never did." I hissed at him. A few tears flowed from my eyes.

"I do love you baby I 'm sorry. " I rolled my tear filled eyes. "Save it for someone who's stupid enough to believe your lies. I gave you everything, I gave you my virginity. I even bought tickets to California  for us! But no you do this." Joel called for me but I just ignored him. He was muffled by my sobs. I got in the car and slammed the door shut.

"Drive." I cracked out. Katharine seemed worried but obeyed. "What happened?" She askes frantically. "He cheated with Emily. " I sobbed loudly. Katharine put a comforting hand around me, but kept her eyes on the road.

"He's a jerk." We arrived back at my place I  flopped down on my bed feeling defeated. Joel tried to call me many times, but I put my phone on silent.

———End Of Flash Back———

"In my defense, you wouldn't sleep with me and she was there and wanted to hook up so." He explained frantically. "That was my sister! She's 17!!" I yelled sobbing. Ben looked worried. "17? She told me she was 19!" I spat.

Natalie emerged from the bus, looking panicked. "Hey Alice I'm really sorry I didn't know you were with him. " She said somewhat sincerely. "I'm not, I never was. But you're 17 you know that's illegal." I yelled at her.

"But he loves me." She pleaded .I scoffed. " He doesn't love you! He just wants to fuck you because you have a hole! Don't be so naive. He has no intensions of being with you!" She began to tear up.

"But you told me you loved me." Natalie turned to Ben. "I say whatever gets them into bed." He answered honestly showing no emotion.

Realisation his her hard. She began to uncontrollably sob. Tears were still flowing from my eyes. Natalie ran off to her car crying.

I walked back onto the bus. Ben tried to hug me but I pushed him off angrily. "You're an asshole Ben. You really are." I spat the words like vomit. He sighed and followed me onto the bus. I wanted another cup of tea. 

I really did not want to ask Ben for help. He was zoned out on the couch. I jumped as high as I could but it was just no use. "Here let me help you." Ben stood up . "I don't need your help douchebag." Ben grabbed the tea for me. I sighed as he went to go sit down. I began to make my tea.

"You know I'm really sorry right?" Ben said, resting his head in his hands. "They're always sorry." I muttered to myself. I drank my tea and headed off to bed without a word. I dreaded the morning.

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