I (Do)n't

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Tonight was the night before my wedding. "Babes don't get too drunk, you wouldn't want to be hung over at your own wedding. " I rolled my eyes. "I'm probably going to be drunk at my own wedding." He laughed, trying to kiss me, but I pushed him off.

"No your not aloud to kiss me until our wedding." He groaned, leaned down and kissed me through my panties. "More guys would go for the kiss on the cheek." He began to walk out the door. "I'm not most guys."

"Alice wake the fuck up it's your wedding." I shot up gasping. "What time is it?" I asked. I hadn't gotten any sleep the past night. I feel asleep at 12pm the next day. "6:23pm we need to hurry!" I practically ran out of my bed. I ran to the makeup stand and sat down.

Kat started on my makeup. She did a very smokey eye, a few touch ups on my skin, winged eye liner, purple brows, false eye lashes and red lipstick. "Your wedding is in 20 minutes. I don't know how you fucked this up so badly." Kat laughed started on my hair.

Janice knocked on the door. "I know we didn't get off on the best terms but I wanted to give you this." She handed me a simple white flower crown. I smiled and thanked her. She had her brown hair up into an up do and she was wearing a blue strapless dress.

Kat put the crown on my head. She then  straightened the hell out of my hair. Katharine helped me into my dress. I took deep breathes in and out. "I literally have 3 bridesmaids and all but have you have slept with my soon to be husband." I stressed. Kat rubbed my back.  Slipped on my garder and put on my purple heels. I turned around and finally looked in the mirror.

I finally exhaled a breath I had been holding in for what seemed like for every. I looked amazing. My white dress with black detailing looked amazing. My make up was perfect. "Alice you are literally late. The music just started." Kat yelled snapping me out of my awe.

My eyes went wide. My dad was at the door with his arm out ready for me. Butterflies flew in my stomach. Kat walked down the asile with James. I started shaking seeing that I was next.

"Shit. Shit shit." My father linked arms with me as the music started. "You're shaking." My dad observed. He was in a black tux. "I know I'm nervous." My father began walking. I nervousely followed.

Once we turned the corner, everybody's eyes shot to me. I looked around the scenery clearly over whelmed. We had our wedding in the forest and it was just about 7. It was mid October, the leaves were turning oranges and yellow.  Dim candles lit the forest. My eyes looked around, then connected with Ben's. 

He was grinning like a mad man. Ben's hair was it's normal messy self. However he was wearing a black tux and black tie. Our color was black. A smile formed on my face, replacing the deer in the head lights expression I had previously. We reached the altar and my father handed me off to Ben with a faked smile.

"You look amazing. " Ben leaned in to kiss me. I swatted him away. "Just wait like ten minutes and you'll get your kiss." I smiled. "We are gathered here today to celebrate, Miss Alison Lillian Lucker and Benjamin Paul Bruce's love. " The person who was marrying us began.

His name was Tom. He went a little bit on about love and passion. I was too in shock to listen.

"Now the reading of the vows." Ben looked to me.

"Alice, I really can't believe I'm getting married. If you told me a year ago that I would fall in love with a girl and get married,  I would have told you, you were on crack. But here I am. I don't know why such a beautiful girl like you would marry an asshole with a drinking problem. But you did through everything, you stuck around and I love you for that." I wiped a tear from my eyes. I unfolded a piece of paper.

"Ben. Through everything we've been through, I didn't think we'd make it this far. We pushed through it together. A lot of people wonder why I still with you. I wonder too. But I know that you mess up... a lot. But you mean well. As much I try to follow my brain, I can't help but follow my heart." I teared up at the end. Sam brought the rings over and we put them on eachothers fingers.

"Benjamin," Tom told him to repeat after him. " Do you, Benjamin Paul Bruce take Alison Lillian Lucker to be your lawful wedded wife. Through better or worse until death due you part." Ben smiled genuinely.

"I do." I was glad he was actually taking this seriously. "Wow that was a mouthful." Ben exhaled making a funny face. Tom said "Alison Lillian Lucker do youtake, Benjamin Paul Bruce to be your  lawful husband, through better or worse until death due you apart?" He asked. "I do." I responded. 

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may  kiss your bride." Ben impatiently pulled me by my waist and connected his lips to mine. Our lips moved in sync. The kiss was passionate and sweet. We broke apart smiling.

"Tattoo time!" Ben yelled deeply and a little too excited. We had our tattoo artists set up before so we just walked over and got our matching King and Queen of heart tattoo on our ring finger. We went to the forest to take a few wedding photos. Tons with just Ben and I, a few with Ben and the guys and a few with the girls and I. We walked over to the reception. It was a five minute walk, which was hell in my shoes. We went into the ball room.

There was tables and chairs everywhere. Dinner was served and on with the sad speeches. Danny was already drunk. "You... you guys fight a lot but you make up and have the kinkiest sex." Danny slurred into the mic with a beer in his hand. Everyone was finished eating so we started the first dance. Ben and I stood up. Ben  put one hand on my waist and held my other. I put my hand on his shoulder and we danced to Iris by the Goo Goo Dolls. I looked into his eyes and kissed him on the lips softly.

Once the song was over, everybody joined us dancing. The wedding finished with everyone getting piss drunk. "Come on wifey let's go sleep." Ben and I undressed and went straight to sleep.

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