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picture of Alice's tattoos


I followed Ben back to the bus. I was nervous. For all I knew he could have wanted to murder me. We stopped walking once we were behind the AA bus. I leaned against the bus. Ben caged me in with his arms. I began worrying.

"Look Alice... I'm sorry for accusing you of that shit. It was wrong I know, I was just pissed off you slept with James. " Ben said in one breath. I looked at the ground. I opened my mouth to say something but no words came out.

"I should have believed you I know and I'm really sorry for sleeping with your sister." I looked up into his eyes, they were completely sincere. "I'm sorry too. I only slept with James to piss you off." His smile beamed. "I didn't know you would get so jealous." I added in cracking a smile.

"I didn't think you'd get so upset. I mean you have no feelings for me so." I rolled my eyes and lightly smacked him on the shoulder. "Shut up!" Ben leaned in close, our lips inches apart before I could push him off.

He was suddenly pulled off of me and thrown to the side. A very pissed off Joel was the culprit. "What the fuck asshole?!" I yelled. Joel took a swing at Ben, but missed. Ben grabbed onto his waist and tackled him to the ground. I screamed at them to stop.

Punches were thrown, but soon they were back on their feet. I took my opportunity and ran in-between them. "Stop!" I shouted. Ben was shaking with anger.

"You! You told the fucking media that I was possessive!  That I fucking  beat up my best friend because I thought she was sleeping with you.  I  fucking walked in on you banging her! " I screamed lunging at him like a cat.

I managed to punch him in the face and leave a good claw mark before I was pulled by my waist by a bloody nosed Ben. I struggled to get out of his grip but he was too strong. Ben pulled me away onto the bus.

"Man I need a drink." He exclaimed, wiping his nose. "Me too. Let's go to the bar after your show." He agreed.


"Ready Alice?" Ben asked, wearing his normal attire. An AA t shirt with the sleeves cut out, skinny jeans and his hat. I wore high waisted black shorts, A black sweet heart crop top, my fancy hat and my converse.

"Yup all good!" I did the finishing touches on my eye liner. Ben, Andy, Ashley, Danny and I all got into the car. Andy drove, Danny in the passenger and Ben, Ashley and I all squished in the back.

It was about a twenty minute drive. We pulled up to this bar that was on a street with many little stores and shops. We had to park fairly far away so it was a bit of a walk. I didn't mind however since it was a beautiful night.

We entered the bar. It was fairly dark with purple and blue lights illumnating the bar. Loud music was blaring, the type you'd hear in the clubs. People were swaying their hips all around. We wove our way to the bar. I ordered a Martini first. That was down in a matter of minutes.

"SHOTS!" Danny yelled. Everyone cheered, including me. We all lined up about 5 shots. "3, 2, 1, GO!" I grabbed the first shot a poured it down. I took the next four down with ease. I slammed the fifth on the table. Realising I had won, I threw my hands up and cheered.

"Give me another round. " I told the bartender handing him cash. He lined up five more. I took them down slower this time, since my throat began to burn. I had a beer and by that time I was completely wasted. I could barely walk. All of the guys were.

"Let's go for a walk!" Danny suggested. We all stumbled for the door, except Ashley. He wasn't really all that drunk, he was just trying to pick up chicks . We stumbled down the road until we past a tattoo parlor. It was very sketchy.

"Let's get tattoos!" Ben suggested. It was a terrible idea but I was too drunk to realise it. "Fuck yeah!" We walked into the parlor.  "Who's gonna get a tattoo?" The man asked. I, for some stupid reason raised my hand, as well as Danny.

"Alright what would you like?" The creepy old man asked. "Dude you should let me tattoo you!" Andy suggested to Danny. Danny cheered, thinking it was a great idea. "We should do that!" I suggested turning to Ben. Ben told the guy what the tattoo was and we went to the back.

"You got tons of ink little missy." He said staring at my body. I laid down in the chair and the man began to tattoo me.

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