Jailhouse Rock

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"Well, this is a nice change of scenery."

"This is a prison cell."

"I was being sarcastic!" You glare daggers at the Winchesters. You're doing your best to mask the pain that's washing over your body with every breath. Your bruises ache and your cuts sting. There's dried blood caked on your wounds and you look like a walking crime scene. Dean's face betrays what he's feeling. He feels guilty but also looks like he wants to punch something at the same time, classic Winchester. A deputy walks into view and points a finger at you.

"Come on kid. We're gonna get you some medical attention." You nearly cry in relief and push yourself slowly to your feet. You stagger to the open cell door and almost trip into the deputy. They grunt and grab you under the arm guiding you out of the holding block and into a nearby office. "We can only give you minimal stuff as we're not really equipped to treat injuries like you have." You nod solemnly and try not to wince as you gingerly ease yourself into the lone chair. The corrections officer that does first aid on you at least attempts to be gentle. Many bandages and ointments later your face feels better but not by much.

They shove you back into the holding cell and Dean grimaces at the sight of your bandaged face. He pats the spot beside him on one of the benches and you ease down onto it. He wraps his arm around you and, as cautiously as he can, pulls you into his side. You lean against him, all the exhaustion of the day and your pain catching up with you. Lightly, Dean traces patterns on your arm with his fingers knowing that it calms you. Your eyes slip closed and you begin to doze off. As soon as your breathing evens out, Sam starts in on Dean.

"When did you two become a thing?" Sam's whisper is more like a stage whisper and Dean shushes him, glancing at you beneath his arm.

"If you had been paying attention you would've noticed that we have literally been sharing the same bed for like 2 months Sam. We've been together for almost 3. Where have you been? Do you even pay attention to anything but what's currently happening in the book in front of you? I feel like we've kinda switched roles here Sammy. It's more than a little freaky." Sam opens his mouth to respond when the holding cell door swings open.

"You three. Let's go, you're being released." Dean kisses the top of your head and gently wakes you, telling you that you're being let out. The three of you shuffle out of the drunk tank like zombies. You're dehydrated, hungry, and could use a few Tylenol but you're still alive after a tangle with a particularly nasty creature. After making it through the paperwork and other bureaucratic nonsense you and the boys make it to the motel after an agonizing trek. Sam opens the door and you almost collapse onto the bed. Asleep before your head can even hit the pillow you begin to lightly snore and Dean chuckles. He removes your shoes and wrangles you out of your jacket before covering you with a blanket. You curl your fists into the blanket and curl up. Dean's face softens while he gazes at you and it doesn't go unnoticed by Sam.

"Our conversation isn't over Dean."

"Fuck off and go to bed Sam." Dean pulls off his boots and lays down next to you. He cards his fingers through your hair and gives you a gentle kiss on the forehead. You curl up into him and slot yourself into all the familiar places. Dean smiles and closes his eyes, drifting off to sleep.

Dean X Male Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now