Bruises and Apologies

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Dean slams the book onto the table in frustration and you jump. Your eyes water slightly, but you stick a thumb in your mouth and soothe the fright. Castiel replaces the thumb in your mouth with a pacifier and you trill happily clapping your hands. Cas smiles slightly and places some toys on your play mat and heads back to the table with Sam and Dean. You babble happily and play by yourself. You don't even notice Dean walking up to your playmat until his boots are right in front of you. You squeal happily and reach your arms up towards him making grabbing motions with your hands. Even in your regressed state you notice that something is wrong.

"Could you stop babbling like an idiot long enough for me to concentrate? All your fucking noise is giving me a headache." You don't really comprehend the words but you can comprehend his tone. Your lower lip begins to wobble and tears form at the corners of your eyes.

"Dean, what did you do that for?" Cas's voice is low and stern as he picks you up and snuggles you close to his chest. The tears begin to leak from your eyes and you cry into Cas's chest clearly upset.

"We're trying to research for a hunt and he can't stow the baby shit not even for like an hour?" The words don't quite reach your ears as Castiel has stomped away halfway through Dean's sentence down into the bunker where the kitchen and the bedrooms are.

"I'm sorry little one." Cas murmurs to you as he walks into the cool, quiet dark of your bedroom. "Dean is stressed about this hunt but that doesn't give him any right to speak to you like that." Cas pulls down the covers on your bed and lays you down there. He tucks you in, turns on your nightlight, and gives you your favorite stuffed animal. "There we are." His smile is doting and makes your insides fuzzy. He turns on the TV and turns it to the Octonauts on Netflix which is your favorite show. You don't even notice him leave the room as you're engrossed in your show watching the animated characters save the ocean life from terrible dangers.

"Pumpkin?" You turn your head at the sound of the familiar voice and you can see someone's silhouette standing in the doorway. You sit up and rub your eyes, sleepy. "Hi baby." The voice is familiar and when your eyes adjust you shrink back against the headboard. "Baby it's okay! I'm not gonna yell at you anymore I promise." Dean reaches out gently, grabbing your arms and bringing you close to him as he sits down on the edge of the bed. "I'm sorry I yelled at you like that. I'm stressed and you didn't deserve it. I know that this is a coping mechanism for you and it's much healthier than any of the ones I engage in. I know you probably don't understand a lot of what I'm saying right now but I wanted to say it so that when you aged up later you would remember it." He holds you tight and you let him. There's comfort in that familiar safe warmth.

"Lub you," You whisper into him the words so quiet he almost didn't hear them.

"I love you too, my little one." He presses a soft kiss to your forehead and holds you close. The two of you snuggle together until the sun rises the next day and you both are fast asleep.

Dean X Male Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now