Band-Aids and Three Piece Suits

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I'm not good at smut. I'm better at reading it. Sue me ~ MDM

The air conditioning causes goosebumps to run across your skin and you barely withhold a shiver. You continue your routine, sweat gleaming on your skin. The cold metal of the pole beneath your palms is all that centers you in the blur of multicolored lights, crumpled dollar bills, and reek of cheap liquor. You finish and the cat calls are loud. You look down your nose at them, your bottom lip tucked into your teeth. One man in particular catches your eye. He's dressed finer than most of these other men and the gaze of his candy apple eyes makes your heart race. Picking up the dollar bills, you make your way off the stage and slink towards the figure in the shadows.

"Hey there handsome. Looking for something a little more-" You pause tapping a finger against your bottom lip. "Hands-on?" The bright white of the suited man's smile is blinding in this dingy place. He inclines his chin, his lips pouting as he seems to ponder your proposition.

"How much?" His voice is so deep, it sends shivers right down to your core. You give him a casual shrug and run a hand through your hair.

"How long do you want me?"

"Does forever sound good?"

"If you've got the cash, I've got the ass sir." He chuckles and reaches into his suit jacket, pulling out a thick wallet he hands you a black credit card. You take the card from him and hold up a hand, motioning for him to sit tight. You run the credit card up to the bar and hand it to Julio, who arches his eyebrows. "Keep the tab running. This guy can afford it." You crook a finger towards the suit and he stands, downing the last of his drink. He buttons the suit and it's all you can do not to drool. He's a specimen to behold. Tall, chiseled, and rugged he fits all of your fantasies. You lead him to the "dungeon" because there's something in the back of your mind that says he's the kinky kind.

The only indication he gives you is a slight widening of the eyes and his tongue darts out to wet his lips. He catches you looking and gives you a nod of approval. He sheds his suit jacket as you close the door and by the time you've turned back around he has his tie in his hands.

"How rough do you want to play?" His voice has a tone of anticipation in it and his hands are almost shaking wrapped in the fabric of his tie.

"You can bruise me if you want to sir. I'll allow it." You smile cheekily and turn your back on him. What little clothes you're wearing are slowly peeled off. Hooking your thumbs in your briefs you pull them down just enough to see the top of your cheeks. Looking over your shoulder, you watch him approach. The material of his dress shirt skims across your bare back making you shiver. "Tie me up and I promise I'll be a good boy for you."

The tie wrapped in his hands comes around to the front. He presses it against your throat and gently begins to lay on the pressure. The air slowly escapes from your lungs and you would gasp in ecstasy if you had any breath. The slow pressure and lack of oxygen is making your head spin and spots dance in your vision. He releases the pressure and you gasp for air. Letting the tie fall to the floor he reaches around and grabs you right by the package making you groan. Pushing your briefs down he palms you, running his thumb over the tip. His lips fall to your neck and he nibbles at the sensitive skin there.

"How are you feeling?" His voice vibrates across your skin and makes your spine curl.

"Like I've finally felt pleasure for the very first time and darling I do this for a living." His laugh reverberates through the room. He, suddenly, steps away from you the cold of his absence making your skin erupt in goosebumps. The rustle of material makes you curious enough to look and the sight behind you is enough to make you want to fall to your knees. His shirt is in a pile on the floor and his torso looks like it was sculpted by some higher deity. He starts to unbutton his slacks and you know it's on.

Some time later in a blur of bruises and pleasure the establishment begins to shut down for the night. As he's buttoning up his shirt, something crosses your mind.

"You know we never did exchange names." His eyebrows hit his hairline.

"You can have the privilege of calling me Dean. Only you." You give him a sultry smile and make your way out of the room.

"He's done for the night!" You call over to Julio at the bar who gives you a strange look and a thumbs up. As you look around you notice that everyone is giving you strange looks and its starting to irritate you. "What gives? What's with the looks?" Julio points to his neck and collarbone. You look down, confused, and see what everyone is staring at. There's a bite mark on your collarbone. Glancing at a nearby reflective surface, you glimpse a hickey. A smirk crosses your face and you see him in the reflection. His eyes flash and he gives you a subtle head tilt.

Oh, there is definitely more where that came from.

Dean X Male Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now