I Don't Like Darkness

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Though we don't talk

I miss our conversations

I fell apart you fill up the empty spaces

I don't wanna leave this place if you're not with us

You let out a heavy sigh as your fingers drum on the steering wheel. If this light takes any longer I'm gonna be ready to retire by the time it turns green. It finally turns green and you gently ease onto the gas looking in the rearview mirror. You let out a small sigh of relief that the baby is still asleep in the backseat. It was 3 AM and little Cas had been fussing all night not wanting to go to sleep. Dean had passed out and wouldn't wake up so you decided to take the little one for a car ride to see if that would put him to sleep. He passed out almost instantly and you could've cheered.

Hard to stay awake

I'm so exhausted

You gently pull into the driveway and as you turn off the car you watch the baby stir in the rearview mirror. He stays asleep though and you cheer silently. You get out of the car and go around to the backseat pulling his carrier out. Dean is still in the same place you left him, passed out on the couch and snoring. You snort lightly in laughter and head towards the back of the house where the nursery is. You gingerly pull him out of his carrier making sure he's still asleep before you place him in the crib. He makes a sighing noise and settles into a deep sleep. You turn on the baby monitor and set it on the changing table, creeping out slowly.

"He 'sleep?" A quiet mumble comes from the couch and you giggle at your sleepy eyed husband. You snuggle up next to him and he kisses your hair.

"Mhm, took him for a car ride and it did the trick."

"Good cause you look deader than a college student who pulled an all-nighter." Dean teases. You don't even respond to him as your eyes slip closed and you begin to snore. Dean chuckles and grabs the throw blanket off the back of the couch draping it over the two of you.

Gray in your eyes, your soul must be silver plated

"Sleep well my love." Dean's gaze wanders towards the bay windows where the glint of the streetlights can be seen. He knows that it's out there. It always has been, ever since he gave up the hunter life.

"Sometimes there is no darker place than our thoughts, the moonless midnight of the mind." Dean whispers as the monster stands outside the window staring in with baleful yellow eyes.

Dean X Male Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now