At Knifepoint

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Inspired by my friend Dan and the song UGH! By BTS. Thanks Dan and thanks to the rap line. Also a bit of a TW knife play and a tad of blood play. Also recently figured out that I'm asexual so writing stuff like this is odd now.

You are surprisingly calm considering the danger staring you in the face. Dean's green eyes stare into yours and the lazy grin on his face gives you the shivers. Your knuckles whiten on the hilt of the knife in your hand.

"You think that little pig sticker is gonna work on me? You've got another thing coming baby boy." His voice seems to have changed somehow since his death. Deeper, rougher, it gives you a strange feeling in the pit of your stomach. Feeling as though you need to take your life into your own hands you decide to play with a plan that's forming in the back of your mind.

"Anything will work on you if I try hard enough Deano. That's been the whole basis of our relationship. I always get what I want because you're a sucker who always says yes." You sheathe your knife, The lazy smirk falls from Dean's face and you can see a touch of anger starting to rise in those dark eyes. His lip curls and he snarls at you. You crook a finger at him and beckon him forward. "Come and get it demon boy." He launches himself at you and you're prepared. A fight ensues and it's hard to tell which one of you is winning. A fist cracks you from the side and you can feel your jaw pop. Blood flies from your mouth and you land on the floor in a heap. Dean holds your knife and stands over you, poised to strike. He lowers himself down until he's straddling your torso. The heat rising off of his body is enough to make you break out into a sweat. You spit blood onto the floor and close your eyes, waiting for him to slit your throat.

"You want me to end it don't you?" His voice is taunting and closer than you would like. You open your eyes to find him inches from your face. He's placed the knife on the floor and his arms are on either side of your head. You're pinned in.

"What if I do? You're not the same Dean that I fell in love with. Demon Dean and Human Dean share a lot between the two of them, but they are not the same." He leans so close that he's hovering inches above your face. His breath is rotten and stale. His eyes lose their color and the black covers every inch of his lovely green. Your breathing picks up as he shifts his weight, coming closer. He ghosts his lips over yours and you arch your back, desperately trying to grasp contact. He chuckles cruelly and your knife reappears at your own throat. You freeze, the steel cold against your throat.

"Did you want something from me? Hmmm? A little knife play perhaps?" He presses the knife harder into your throat and you hiss slightly. The slightest movement and he'll draw blood. You know that's what the both of you want though. "Beg me for it." His voice is low and it draws something primal out of you.

"Please, Dean. Do it. Make me feel it." His tongue darts out to lick his lips and that surprises you. It's a very human gesture. He slides the knife so delicately across your throat, it's like he's performing surgery. The sting makes you hiss in pleasure and you gasp for breath making warm blood run down the sides of your throat. He sets the knife so close to your head that you can see it in your peripheral. He slides down your body until his face is buried in your neck. His mouth latches on your wound and you let out a whine. The cry that leaves your lips leaves nothing to the imagination. You whimper his name as his tongue runs along your wound. Your body arches, your hips leaving the floor in order to gain some kind of friction. Dean's mouth comes away from your neck and his mouth is red and dripping with your blood. His eyes are as black and empty as space. Your breath comes out in shudders as you try to regain some of your dignity. Dean gives his hips a little wiggle and you nearly scream at the blessed friction.

"Let's play a little game darling. Just you and I."

Dean X Male Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now