"This will be an easy hunt, they said. Totally easy, they said. Well, they were wrong." Your voice is loud in the empty halls of the museum and the dark corners are making you paranoid. The deepening shadows make your brain start running at light speed, imagining all the creatures that could be watching you. You give yourself a bit of a mental smackdown and push aside the exhaustion riding your brain like a show pony. Your feet are aching and your head is too. The three of you have been chasing this particular entity for a week straight and you can't remember the last time you slept for more than 20 minutes at a time.
"Find anything?" Dean's voice makes you jump and you nearly shoot the poor bastard. He chuckles quietly, putting a gentle hand on your shoulder. "I know. I'm tired too. We'll get out of here soon, I promise." The smile he gives you is a weary one, but full of something you can't quite put your finger on.
"Hey, you two. Get over here. I might have found something." Sam gestures the two of you into a side gallery where he stops in front of a painting. He pulls out his EMF reader and soon as he turns it on it begins screeching. You flinch at the harsh sound in the relative quiet of the museum. Sam turns it off and puts it back in his pocket. "What do you think Dean? Haunted painting." You stare at the artwork in front of you. Something is tickling the back of your brain about this particular piece and you can't quite put your finger on it.
"I've seen this before." The brothers turn to you with confused looks. "I saw this at that pawn shop in the first town, and I saw it when we were in that abandoned house in the last town. Now, it's here. It's been there the whole time we just never realized it." The brothers give each other a look that only the two of them know and Dean steps up to the painting. He tries to pull it off the wall and it seems to be stuck. He heaves on it and steps back, looking at Sam in exasperation. Sam gives it a try and the art doesn't move. You shrug and step up to it, thinking what the hell, I'll give it a try. As soon as your fingertips touch the frame the picture on the canvas shivers slightly. Thinking it's just the sleep deprivation you put whole hands on it and that's when the fabric of reality just seems to fold in on itself. A hand reaches out from the landscape and grabs a hold of you. You scream and try to fight it prying at the fingers curled in the fabric of your shirt.
"Let him go!" Dean's gun is raised and his finger is on the trigger.
"Don't shoot Dean. It won't do any good." Sam steps up next to him and the panic on his face is evident but he appears to be trying to stay calm for the sake of his older brother. Dean looks on the verge of having a meltdown and the barrel of the handgun is shaking so hard he wouldn't be able to hit anything even if he tried. Your toes are barely touching the ground and your head is starting to hurt. The smell of burnt ozone is clogging your airways and the heavy stench is so thick you could choke on it. Trying not to panic, you begin the slow, arduous process of prying the fingers out of your shirt. You're nearly folded in half when the translucent hand pulls you through the painting and into the landscape of the artwork. You look around in pure panic and press your fingers against the inside of the canvas. You can't see out and you bang your fists on the edges.
"Dean, are you there? Can you hear me?" The outside suddenly appears and you can see the faces of the brothers. Alarmed, Dean is trying to hack his way through the canvas and it seems as though the art is invincible. The knife is bouncing off the paint without making a scratch.
"Damn haunted paintings! I should've known this job was a bad idea!" Sam puts a hand on Dean's arm and Dean throws him off. Tears begin to well in his eyes and your heart breaks to see him so distressed. You put your hands up against the barrier and Dean pauses. He looks you right in the eyes and it hurts to see him looking so broken. "I don't know if you can hear me but if you can we're gonna get you out. I won't stop until we do. I'm sorry." He whispers those last two words so quietly that you almost don't catch them.
Time is a blur after that. Your watch nor your phone works in this strange place and you have no idea how much time passes. The only way you can figure it out is when one of the brothers shows up to test a new theory or just to talk to your beautiful cage. You've tried responding to them but they can't seem to hear you. You've seen Bobby, Castiel, and all sorts of others try their hand but no one can seem to get you out.
One of the last times you receive a visitor Dean lets you know that you've been trapped in this panting for 6 months. His voice breaks when he tells you they don't know how to get you out and that they don't know if they can. You lean against the barrier and lean your forehead against it. Dean launches into a story about how he had bought you a ring and was planning on proposing to you on your birthday and now he doesn't know what he's going to do.
"You are my life and my everything. How can I go on without you? You know that I'm not one to ever get emotional or have a chick flick moment but right now I don't give a damn. I love you with all of my being. It feels like the very oxygen has been ripped from my lungs and I'm gasping for air with nothing to breathe. With you gone, my world feels like it's been reduced and I feel so alone. Yeah, I've got Sammy but he's my little brother. I know that I've always got him. I want you. I need you. If you can come back to me. Please-" His voice breaks on that last word and he begins to cry. Anger flares in you and you kick and scream, pounding on that barrier between you and the one you love. You scream until your throat is raw and you punch until your fists are broken and bleeding. You collapse and weep.
"I'm sorry Dean. I love you." The barrier between you disappears and you fall out of the painting, hitting the floor painfully. "Shit, that hurt." You sit up and blink at your familiar surroundings. Dean stares at you for a solid 10 seconds before he launches himself at you. He hugs you tightly to his chest.
"You're back. Oh god, you're back. You're here. Never leave me again. I can't take it. Life without you isn't an option." You cling to him and breathe in that familiar Winchester scent.
"I will never leave you. Hell or high water, monster or demons, ghost or gouls, I will always be be your side. Forever."

Dean X Male Reader One Shots
FanfictionA collection of One Shots for my fellow Dean fanboys.