Enjoy ;)
The cop car behind you lights up and you sigh.
"Looks like I'm gonna be late to work." You pull over to the berm and wait. Pulling out your phone, you fire off a quick text to your boss letting them know and they send back a rolling eyes emoji. A knock on the window has you jumping nearly out of your skin. You roll down the window and the brightest pair of green eyes greet you from beneath the brim of a stetson.
"License and registration please?" The southern drawl that rolls from those lips is enough to set your face aflame. You nod minutely. You're terrified to speak, thinking that your voice will give away your obvious attraction. He must get it a lot. This terrified deer in the headlights look. "Do you know why I stopped you?" Your voice gets stuck in your throat and you shake your head. " You were doin' 65 in a 55 and that's not something we allow around here. I'll be right back with your documents." The gleam of sun off of his badge nearly blinds you as he turns back towards his cruiser.
"I'm so fucked." Your fingers tap out a nervous rhythm on your steering wheel. You reach for your phone but he's back at your window by the time you get it unlocked. You set it back down in the cupholder and turn to look back up at him. He's holding your paperwork out to you and you take it back. Your fingertips brush together and a shiver passes down your spine.
"I'm going to let you off with a warning this time as it's your first offense. Don't expect me to be so generous next time. You have a nice day now." He tips his hat to you and walks away, headed back towards his cruiser. You watch him pull away and lean your head against the steering wheel. Your heart is in your throat and you can't get the sight of his face out of your mind. You know that you should be getting to work. You roll up 20 minutes late and your boss doesn't even say anything to you. Just throws a towel at you, points to the time clock, and turns back to her phone. You glare daggers at her back and get to work.
The clock strikes 11 PM and you couldn't be more alive. The bar really comes to life after the second shifters get off of work. They're saying goodbye to work life and hello to their social lives. It's the little things in life that give you the most joy. A patron sits down at the stool just down from you and waves to get your attention. His face is in shadow, covered by the brim of a baseball cap. Never a good sign. The gleaming white smile is what catches your eye first and you know who it is before he even opens his mouth to order a drink.
"What can I get for you, Officer Winchester?" The shock on his face makes you chuckle. Recognition flashes in his eyes and he smirks.
"Didn I just pull you over today?" You give him a 'What do you think that answer is look?' and he laughs.
"You and your smooth accent gave me quite the fright. But hey, since you just gave me a warning your first drink's on me." He gives you a small smile which makes your insides quiver a little. I bet he gets all the panties to drop with a grin like that. "What are you drinking tonight Officer?" He glances around you to the liquor sitting on shelves on the wall and points out one of your favorites. "Whiskey eh? A man after my own heart." You pour him a finger over ice and set it down on the bar.
"So this is what you were on your way to when I pulled you over?" You nod your head and go back to filling the dishwasher. "You can call me Dean. No need for the formalities anymore." You give him a half smile, slightly distracted.
"Alright, Dean it is. How's the drink?" He gives a nod of appreciation as he takes another sip.
"Just what I needed after a long day of taking down criminals and pulling some cute ones over." You blush furiously and turn your back towards the bar. Your cheeks are hot and your heart is in your throat. You're overreacting there's no way he called you cute. He probably pulled like 10 different people over today. "I don't suppose you're free tonight after you get off are you?" HE WAS TALKING ABOUT ME. HOLY FUCK. You school your face neutral and turn back towards him.
"I never do. I don't really go much of anywhere. Are you asking me out on a date Dean?" He raises an eyebrow behind his whiskey glass.
"I'm asking you for a whole lot more than that sugar." Your insides melt like ice cream under the hot sun and it's everything you can do to keep yourself upright.
"You've got yourself a deal Officer. I get off in an hour." He downs the rest of his drink and stands from his barstool.
"I'll meet you outside in an hour, sugar." Time seems to go by so slowly after that. Every time you glance at the clock, only a few minutes have passed. The clock finally strikes midnight and you're ushering the last few stragglers out. You see him leaning against a light post outside and your legs go quivery. You hold up 10 fingers letting him know you'll need 10 more minutes to close down the bar and he nods his head. He goes back to his phone, scrolling through what looks to be an Instagram feed. You rush to close up the bar as quickly as you can. You do what you need to do. Do one last check and then you're out the door. He's still standing there under the single street lamp. The overhead of the light casts strange shadows across his face and it makes you want to whimper at how handsome he is.
"Where are you taking me Officer? I know I've been bad, but I don't think I deserve jail." The small smirk that forms on his lips is something to behold. You brush the hair out of your eyes and he stalks forward towards you.
"What would my supervisor think of me now?" His breath smells like the burn of whiskey and the grease of a cheeseburger. "Fraternizing with criminals." He keeps walking towards you and you backpedal until you slam into the door of the bar. You haven't locked it yet and you know just what to do. "Follow me Officer. I know just the place." Your hand finds the doorknob and you turn it slipping inside the quiet establishment. He follows you close behind. He shuts the door, right on your heels. Your heart rate is so quick you're surprised you don't fall over. There's a back room for the employees to sleep if they're pulling a double. It's got a surprisingly comfortable bed in it and you know just how you're going to use it. You don't even get halfway into the room before you're pinned against a wall. His voice is merely a purr in your ear.
"What am I going to do to you? What would you like me to do?"
"As long as you keep this up I'll let you do whatever you want me to me." You're pressed face first into the wall and you can feel the entire length of him pressed up against your back. He releases you slightly and spins you to face him. His green eyes are dark with hunger and the way he looks at you makes you want to melt. His breath whispers over the shell of your ear and you arch your back into him. The noises you just made are incomprehensible as he makes his way down your neck. Your bottom lip is between your teeth and you're trying so hard not to cry out. He comes face to face with you and gives you a little smile. He pulls your lip from your mouth into his. The taste of him makes you moan into his mouth and his fingers tighten around your hips. He pulls you impossibly closer and the sounds coming out of the both of you should be illegal.
"I need you out of this shirt right now." His voice is breathy and he's panting slightly as the two of you part. You oblige him by pulling your shirt over your head. He runs his hands over every part of your exposed torso. He kisses his way down taking extra special time to torture both of your nipples until you're bucking. The planes of your stomach are kissed and licked and nipped at until the skin is red. He gets to the waistband of your pants and you can almost see his mouth water. He looks up at you through those long lashes and your head tilts back.
"Please." It leaves your mouth in a whisper, but you know he heard you because he unbuttons your jeans and lets them puddle at your ankles. Your boxers go next and you hear him murmur something but everything explodes when he wraps his mouth around the tip of you.
"OH GOD!" Your fingers are wrapped tight in his hair as he goes to work. You try so hard to stay still but it's almost impossible. You're shaking and whimpering and you're beginning to come apart. He stops licking and you let out a grunt of frustration.
"I'm just getting started with you. Consider yourself in my custody."

Dean X Male Reader One Shots
FanfictionA collection of One Shots for my fellow Dean fanboys.