Who's Gonna Drive You Home?

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Who's gonna drive you home when you've had a crazy day?

Who's gonna dry your eyes when your tears fall like the rain?

The gentle rhythm of the rain against the windshield accompanied by an occasional rumble of thunder lulls you into a gentle doze. The thud of Dean's heartbeat is a comforting sound and you wrap your arms tighter around him. He rubs a hand across your back in response, sending waves of content through you. The rumble of the Impala's engine igniting starts you awake and you sit up fast, nearly cracking the top of your head on Dean's chin.

"Sorry, baby. I didn't wanna wake you. You were sleeping pretty good for once." You nod, trying to get your heart rate to slow down from it's ratcheting pace. You make a move to get off of his lap but he places a hand on your back. "You don't have to go anywhere. You can go back to sleep." You blink stupidly at him for a second before settling yourself back in your previous spot. Sam's snores filter out from the backseat and you know that it's ok to close your eyes. You bury your face into Dean's neck, inhaling the familiar scent of him. Your hands are close to your chest and his arm is warm around you as you fall back to sleep.

The sensation of falling has you scrabbling for something to hold onto and Dean takes his hands off the wheel to cradle you so that you don't fall.

"Baby it's alright. We're stopped. We're at a rest area right now. You're ok." Dean's hand cradles the back of your head, the other hand rubbing your back softly. You give a soft whine and Dean shushes you softly, gently rocking like he knows you like. Your fingers curl into the material of his shirt and he knows now what you need. He reaches for the bag in the passenger seat and pulls a small cloth bag out of it. He pulls the small pacifier out of it and hovers the teat near your mouth until you notice it. Your eyes light up and you latch onto it and sink into him a content snuffle coming out of you. Sam comes up to the driver's side window to hand Dean his requested snacks and stares in confusion for a minute at the pacifier in your mouth.

"Don't ask questions Sammy. Just get in the back seat so we can get going."

"Fair enough." Sammy and the bag of snacks slide into the backseat and Dean starts the engine of the Impala once again.

"On the road again, baby boy."

Dean X Male Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now