Draw Me

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"We're back!" Sam and Dean tromp down the steps covered in the gore of their last hunt. You come out from the back hallway and wrinkle your nose when the scent hits you.

"You stink,"You hold your nose and Dean laughs swooping down to kiss you. "Absolutely not. Not until you have a shower." Sam tries to smother a laugh and Dean rolls his eyes setting his gear bag down on the floor. They both head to their respective rooms for a shower and you head back to your designated "art room". The smell of fresh paint always puts you at ease whenever you open the door. You shut the door behind you making sure to step over the fresh paint spots on the floor. You return to the canvas in the corner and pick up the charcoal pencil. You finish the lines of his body and begin to blend the lines making them blurry and making it seem as though he is bleeding at the edges. You pick up a green colored pencil shading in his irises. You pick up a different pencil and dot in freckles in the light parts of his face. You step back and stare at your work of art. Dean is looking over his shoulder at you, a light dust of freckles on his face, and his green eyes piercing.

"Hey, you in there?"Sam's voice startles you out of your reverie and you pick the canvas up carrying it with you to the door, the drawing facing your body.

"You can open it Sam. I've got my hands full,"You see a freshly showered Sam as he opens the door for you. He raises his eyebrows at your hands full of canvas. "You wanna see?" He shrugs, noncommittal. You look down the hallway on both sides and flip the canvas around so he can see. His eyes become the size of dinner plates and his jaw almost hits the floor.

"You drew that?! That's amazing!" You shush him listening for any indication of Dean.

"It's a present for Dean," You say grinning like an idiot. You hear footsteps down the hallway and you flip the canvas back around. "Dean?" You call, your voice echoing in tandem with his footsteps.

"I'm coming,"He reaches you smelling fresh and musky. He tips his chin towards your drawing. "Whatcha got there baby?" You give him a shy smile and flip it towards him.

"This is for you. I made it while you guys were gone and if you don't like-"Dean stops you mid sentence with soft and gentle lips on yours. His eyes sparkle when he smiles taking the canvas from you to inspect it closer. His mouth parts in awe and he sets the canvas down leaning it against the wall.

"It's beautiful honey. Thank you so so much. I love it."He hugs you again, kissing you sweetly. You hear Sam snort behind you and Dean pulls away from you to glare at him. "Come on Sam. You ruined the moment." Sam walks by us towards the kitchen and says over his shoulder, "I thought you didn't like chick flick moments."

"My baby is the only exception," Your face is flushed and you duck your head. He kisses you again and throws his arm around your shoulders squeezing you tightly. "Thanks handsome. I love it. And I love you."

Dean X Male Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now