Nervous Dad Energy

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Enjoy ;)

"Alright Dean. You've got this. It's just the grocery store. It's no big deal." He takes the keys out of the ignition. He gets out of the car and mugginess of the summer air instantly makes his shirt stick to him. Praying that he remembers how to work the stupid thing, he opens the backseat and attempts to get the baby carrier out of the back. His infant daughter sleeps peacefully and he does his best to get the carrier out without disturbing her. He manages to dislodge it from the base and sighs in relief. He gets the diaper bag out of the backseat and shuts the car door. Slinging a diaper bag over one arm and holding a baby carrier in the other he turns toward his ultimate obstacle, Walmart. He traverses his way across the parking lot and when the cool draft of the air conditioning hits him his shoulders sag a little with relief. He grabs a cart and sets the carrier in the basket hoping that the list you sent him is relatively small otherwise this is going to be tricky. He makes his way past the salon and into the store proper. Pulling out his phone, he goes to the list you sent him and the will to live visibly leave him.

He sighs and begins to navigate through the aisles crossing everything on the list off one by one. He arrives in the baby aisle and stares up and down the shelves at the array of products. Dean peeks down at his stirring infant, praying that she stays asleep, and looks back up at the shelves. He stares down in defeat at his grocery list and dials his husband.

"Hey baby. I can't talk for long. I have a meeting in like five minutes. What's up?" Dean explains his conundrum and you laugh. He smiles at the sound of your laugh, the musical sound being stored for later. "Grab a couple of the Pampers preemie size diapers and a thing of the Pampers sensitive baby wipes. Make sure there's a couple packs of wipes in whatever you grab. Oh hell, I gotta go baby. Love you and kiss the girl for me!" You hang up the phone and Dean is left standing in the middle of the aisle. A small cry starts up from the carrier and Dean curses softly. He unbuckles her restraints and pulls her out of the carrier. Cradling her to his chest and patting her butt he looks for the things you told him to get. Spotting them he snags the diaper packs one at a time. A passing mother spots Dean's struggle.

"Can I give you some help? Your poor girl looks like she needs some of daddy's attention." Baby Winchester is beginning to fuss and Dean rocks on his heels, attempting to soothe her.

"Could you grab a thing of those Pampers sensitive baby wipes. The box with a couple packs in it?" She reaches for the box and puts it in the bottom of his cart. "Thank you so much. This is my first time out alone with her. It's not too obvious is it?" The mother waves away the thought and tells him that he's doing a great job so far. Dean gives her an appreciative smile and he then faces the dilemma of how he's going to steer a full grocery cart and hold his baby at the same time. A Walmart employee sees his dilemma and offers to push the cart for him.

"That would be amazing. Thank you so much. I'm done with shopping. I just couldn't manage both baby and cart at the same time." He gives a nervous laugh and the employee smiles sympathetically.

"Trust me I get it. I have a kiddo of my own too. It's hectic trying to shop with them. Just wait until the little one gets older. You'll have even more on your hands then." Dean chuckles.

"I can't wait." They make their way up to checkout and Dean manages to set his little girl back in her carrier. Buckling her in and beginning to load the groceries onto the conveyor belt. Dean manages to make it through somehow and makes it back to the car with groceries and baby in tow. Loading everything into the car, he gets the baby strapped into the backseat. He opens the driver side door, slides in, and practically collapses once he's seated.

"You make life so much better and so much harder at the same time little one." Dean starts up the car, sends you a text that says he's headed home, and pulls out of the parking lot. He's exhausted and could use a nap, but naps come in rare form these days. Let's hope today isn't one of those rare days.

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