"We're lookin for a demon that's making deals with people who've got a fuck ton of gambling debt." Sam says as you stare out the window, your face plastered to the glass amazed by the big flashy lights. "Supposedly the demon chats people up trying to win it big to those that are trying to pay off their debts by potentially putting themselves into more debt. Demon tells them they can get them out of their debt, blah blah blah, we know the drill." You're still plastered to the window watching the lights go by.
"Dude, you're getting my window gross." Dean's voice snaps you out and you come away from the window, blushing.
"Sorry, never been to a big flashy city like this before. It's all so...captivating." Sam chuckles and shuffles some papers around.
"That's why this demon has so many victims. Because of that exact captivation." You purse your lips and sit back knowing Sam is right. The dazzle of the lights can still be seen behind your eyes even though you've looked away. Sam directs Dean to turn into the Lotus Hotel and Casino and your eyes light up with joy. You start to babble excitedly about the time the trio Percy, Annabeth, and Grover from the Percy Jackson series. Sam says he remembers reading that series when he was younger and Dean keeps silent. You and Sam talk about the series until Dean, not so politely, tells the two of you to shut the hell up.
"Oh, c'mon D! It was a good series!" You complain as the three of you step out of the Impala. The bright lights and splashing of the fountain are distracting. You stand in the middle of it all, the exterior seeming to fade out as you're distracted.
"C'mon dude, let's get this show on the road." The three of you walk into the casino and are immediately stopped. With your grubby clothes and slightly less grubby faces you look out of place but as soon as Dean flashes some money around they're keen to let you go. You split up to try and spot the demon. You set your sights on the poker table where a game that's drawing attention is gathering a crowd. Balancing on your tiptoes you're just able to see over the crowd and you catch a glint of something in one of the player's eyes that tells you. That one, right there. You step back from the game, but it seems you attracted attention with your tiptoe antics.
"You seem quite interested in what's going on here. Care to join the game?" The one that you suspect is the demon is speaking to you and you shrug stepping forward.
"When in Rome." You say, sitting in the only empty chair. The cards are dealt and you're in over your head. You have no idea how to play poker, but you're pretty good at bluffing. You manage to keep yourself alive through a couple games before finally falling short.
"Shit." You hiss in disappointment. The demon seems to sense it and asks the dealer to pause for a minute, gesturing to you to come speak to him privately. You follow the demon warily, on guard.
"I know a man in debt when I see one." The demon says when you're out of earshot of other people. You cross your arms across your chest and get defensive.
"Yea, what about it?" The demon then launches into its pitch and you stand there pretending to listen. Your mind is racing. How the fuck am I going to get out of this? I can't sign my soul away just to gank the demon. The demon is watching you now. It can probably see the way your mind is racing behind your eyes.
"So, what do you say? Do we have a deal?" The demon extends its hand and you stare at the proffered hand. There's a choked noise and you look up to see the demon's mouth agape in a silent cry of pain as the knife blade sticking out of its chest pulls out. An orange light flickers at the sight of the wound and then the demon falls to the floor in a puddle of expanding blood. Dean jerks his head toward the exit.
"Let's get out. Security probably caught that on camera." He wipes the knife off on the demon's clothes and you nod the three of you hustling out the door and into the Impala. Dean pulls out and the three of you are on the highway before security is any the wiser.
"That was a lot cleaner than our usual demon killings."
"Nothing like a little hit and run."

Dean X Male Reader One Shots
FanfictionA collection of One Shots for my fellow Dean fanboys.