Man Pride

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The songs featured in italics in this one shot are as follows

Revelation - Troye Sivan

Titanic- Jackson Wang

Angels- Chase Atlantic

Enjoy ;)

You're a revelation

Won't you liberate me now

From a holy world

You're a revolution

I will liberate you now

As the walls come down

A smack to the back of your head brings you out of your melancholy. You take your earbuds out and turn. Irritably you ask, "What the hell was that for?" Your best friend grins back at you.

"Looked like you could use a good smack. The sadness was creeping back into your face. Thinking about Dean again?" Your face turns red and you start to sputter.

"No, I stopped mourning over our relationship a long time ago." They raise their eyebrows and shake their head, sighing as if eternally disappointed in you.They sit back in their seat, resting their head on their chest. They sigh heavily and in seconds, as per usual, they are asleep. You turn back to the front windshield, putting your headphones back in.

It's a revelation

There's no hell in what I've found

No kingdom shell

How the tides are changing

As you liberate me now

And the walls come down

Crunch. The vamp's neck cleaves in half and blood splatters your face as you pull the axe out. You wipe the blood from your face and readjust your headphones, not even looking over your shoulder as another vamp lunges for you.

I got your girl on panic

Iced out my wrist Titanic

Like 2-1, I'm on my savage

No airport but claim my baggage

I'm on the run I'm on the run

You spin, cleaving the incoming vamp in half. You hear a loud bang. You pull your headphones off. The tinny music coming from your headphones is loud in the silence.

Your girl gon choose

I'm on the up

The boy and the man yeah I'm all in one

"Hi there," The cheery voice comes from your right and you spin to face it hoisting your axe. The man stands there looking skeptical. He points to your axe. "That's not gonna do much to me boyo. It might tickle a bit though."

"Who are you?"

But I used to be the one who caught the bus

On that red line 1, don't need transit

Only crew no friends

When you see me that's it

"They call me the Trickster and I think you have some catching up to do."He snaps his fingers and abruptly you're in an ornate room with a dining table running the middle of it.

They ain't even like me last year

Now they know my face

China on the bass

Dean X Male Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now