The house is brimming with unfamiliar people and unfamiliar smells. The dingy carpet beneath your feet is crowded with unknown stains. You stand from the broken couch. What's taking them so long? You walk by the kitchen and catch a fragment of something John said.
"Yeah I had to sell her in order to survive. I sold it to a dealership in Nashville. Dean's gonna be pissed at me, but it's just a car I'm sure he'll get over it."You stop in the doorway to the kitchen my mouth agape. He sold the Impala?! You push through the crowd of people and sprint out the front door. You have to get that car back. You fumble with your own car keys finally getting the key in the lock. You slide into your car and back out the driveway. Nashville, you need to get to Nashville. You drive frantically for hours on end searching when you finally spot it in a parking lot. You screech into the parking lot and jump out. You approach a wary-looking, cheap-suited salesman.
"How much for that Impala?"You pant, trying to calm yourself. The amount of adrenaline running through your system was probably not healthy.
"That Impala just came in today. It's not for sale. It's not even been processed yet," The salesman looks at you with fear in his eyes. You clench your fists in frustration, knowing that that car is the only thing that matters. You get back into your car, slumping in the driver's seat, your head against the wheel. You faintly hear your phone ringing. You grasp at it in the passenger's seat and numbly answer it.
"Baby? Where are you? Dad says you left out of here in a hurry, really upset." Dean's rich baritone soothes some of the ache in your chest.
"I'm-" You stop the knot in your throat becoming unbearable.
"Just come home to me baby boy. Whatever it is that's bothering you we'll figure it out. Ok?" You mutter something along the lines of acknowledgement and hang up the phone. You throw it back in the passenger seat carelessly. You take the mind numbing drive back your heart in your feet the entire time. You pull into the driveway and see the brothers standing there waiting for you.
You pull the keys out of the ignition, your vision begins to blur with a renewal of tears. A knock at your window makes you jump and you look up to see Dean's concerned face.
"Come here baby," His voice is muffled by the pane of glass between you but you reach for the door handle. You open the car door and get out standing there your cloudy vision on your feet. You hear something whispered between Dean and Sam. Dean reaches for you and pulls you into his embrace. "Tell me what's wrong honey. I can't help you if you won't talk to me."
"Your dad sold the Impala and,"You hiccup, your breath hitching. "And I was trying to get it back because I know how much it means to you but but but they wouldn't sell it to me." Dean rubs your back as you sob and snot.
"Look at me," You lift your chin to look up at him. "I don't give a damn about that car. I know that sounds ironic considering what I would have done to protect that car, but all I care about right now is how upset you are. I appreciate what you tried to do for me." He looks down at you with an endearing smile. He hugs you tight and whispers,"It'll be ok baby boy. You'll be ok."

Dean X Male Reader One Shots
FanfictionA collection of One Shots for my fellow Dean fanboys.