Everything That's Gone So Wrong

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The chill of the October night slips its long fingers underneath your collar and you shiver. The scrape of your boots along the sidewalk is the only sound in the night. Taking a walk in the pitch black darkness wasn't your original idea but your flashbacks were getting overwhelming. You didn't want to wake Dean so you put on a jacket and slipped outside before the emotions flowed over you. Now, standing in the middle of a dark sidewalk you let the memories slip over you and you hold your breath for the longest possible time. Your lungs scream until you slowly let the breath slip out and take in fresh oxygen. It's so cold and crisp that it almost hurts as it slides into your airways. You know that if you don't take your heart rate down you're going to start ticcing and then it's going to get uncomfortable. You take several slow deep breaths and you can feel the anxiety start to decline. The memories begin to recede like the ocean at low tide and you can feel yourself going almost back to normal.

You tilt your head back until you can see nothing but the stars. Your body begins to release the tension and your muscles unclench one by one.

"I should probably get back to Dean. If he wakes up and sees I'm not there he'll have a meltdown." You begin the long cold walk back to the motel room and a quick flicker of shadow makes you hesitate in your stride just long enough. You don't want whatever it is to let you know that you've caught on to it so you continue walking and stuff your hands into your pockets. Your fingers curl around your pocket knife. The hairs on the back of your neck raise and you whirl the knife out and ready. A humanoid shadow stands before you. Your knife seems more like a toothpick in comparison to the silhouette now dwarfing you. The black seems to envelop you and you drown in it. Your senses shut off and you can no longer draw air into your lungs. Your fingers claw at your throat and you choke. You begin to fade, but you feel hands on your shoulders. You gasp for air and come alive off the bed. Falling onto the floor, you choke and gasp sucking in sweet oxygen.

"Come on baby. Breathe, slowly, in and out." Scrabbling backwards, you scoot until you hit a wall. The dark silhouette of a humanoid figure comes closer and a hoarse cry leaves your lips. You search, wide eyed, for anything to grab in order to defend yourself.

"Honey, it's ok! It's me! It's Dean!" His face resolves out of the shadow and his green eyes are filled with worry. You launch forward curling yourself into him. You hide your face in the curve of his neck and curl your fingers into the fabric of his shirt "You're ok baby. You're ok." He holds you tightly, rocking back and forth.

"I couldn't breathe Dean. It was enveloping me like a blanket and my throat was closing. I was screaming without air in my lungs. It was just a huge formless shadow and I hated it."

"You're ok now. You're here and you're breathing. Just breathe baby boy. I've got you."

Dean X Male Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now