Hail To The King

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Jesus Christ cycling to Mass on a Friday. Your shoes make the puddles beneath your feet ripple. You step around the bodies on the floor and walk towards the throne.

"Got a little crazy while I was gone didn't you, Highness?" The lounging figure straightens at the sound of your voice.

"I don't deal with idiots. And I don't deal with disrespect."The figure shrugs and stands examining themselves. They brush at a few blood spots on their clothes. "I just got this shirt." They strip it off not caring that they have an audience. You hold a hand out and they toss it to you. You sling it over your shoulder and continue to sidestep around the bodies.

"Where's Crowley?" The figure shrugs and snaps their fingers at a terrified looking attendant standing in the corner. The attendant shakily hands them a new shirt and they pull it on over their head.

"What's new on the surface?" You shrug as they just did and begin to tell them of the shenanigans going on on the surface world. "Nothing much new then?" You shake your head and follow after them as they order the servants around, commanding that they clean up the mess they've made. You follow them into the 'den' and throw the shirt on your bed on the way past, vowing to get rid of it later. Totally not gonna keep it like I have the others. Definitely not. They wave a hand at you as they sit down in their favorite chair. You go behind the bar and pull a glass down from the shelf.

"One finger or two Majesty?"They hold up two fingers and you pour two fingers of Angel's Envy. A smooth bourbon that's become Highness's recent favorite and a joke between the two of you for its apt name. You hand him the glass and sit down across from him. They stare at you over the glass as they take a sip.

"Something's bothering you. Spit it out." You shake your head vehemently.

"Nothing you need to worry about Majesty." They raise an eyebrow at you.

"We've known each other since the beginning. I've told you numerous times to call me by my name when we're alone." You sigh. Your heart pounds in your chest and your palms begin to sweat.

"I know but it feels wrong." You run a hand through your hair and open your mouth then close it again. You think of the right words to say, but your mind pulls a giant blank. "Listen, there's something I've been wanting to say for a while now, but I just couldn't find the right words for." As if your body is on autopilot you stand from your chair. You pluck the bourbon glass from their hand and set it on the table. They give you a look that says, if you don't explain yourself soon you're going to end up like the bodies in the throne room. You take a deep breath and sit on his lap. You look him deep in the eyes and in the next breath your mouth is on his. His body freezes but as the sensory input catches up with his brain, his mouth covers yours. His mouth tastes like bourbon as he snakes his tongue into your mouth. You kiss until you run out of breath and you pull away, soft pants leaving your mouth. His eyes are black and heated.

"Well you definitely had something to say didn't you?" You say nothing, still reveling in the moment. "I want to hear my name coming from your lips." You gulp and take in the sight before you. The king of hell is underneath you, you've just made out with said king, and now he's asking for what seemed to be the impossible just moments ago.

"Kiss me Dean." And with a wicked smile the king of hell obliges.

Dean X Male Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now