I'm curious. Do you guys like the Little! Reader one shots or would you prefer something else? Anyways, here's the chapter.
It was getting hot and the sweat clinging to your skin was an unbearable sheen. You throw the sheets off and pull your sticky, soaked shirt off throwing it on the floor. You sink to the floor, the cool hardwood feeling like heaven on your skin. You can feel it inside. The tempting urge to just let go. No, it's not happening. I've got to stay. You lay on the floor, drifting in and out of a feverish sleep for what seems like years. The door to your room opens and you don't even open your eyes.
"Dude? What the hell are you doing on the floor?" A shadow comes over your closed eyelids and you don't say a word. A rough calloused hand feels your forehead. "He's running a pretty good fever Sam."
"I'll see what we've got in the cabinets but I know we don't have much." Footsteps trail away and you are left in silence. You crack your eyes open just enough. You can feel your hold slipping. I have got to hold on. I am not going to do that to Dean. But it's futile and eventually you feel yourself receding. You sit up, looking around with glazed eyes. You sniffle and begin to cry. Dean looks confused and concerned.
"What's wrong? Hello? Speak to me man." You wrap your arms around his neck and cling on for dear life. He tenses up and doesn't react immediately. He slowly wraps his arms around you. Sam's footsteps return and stop in the doorway.
"What happened?"
"I have no clue. He just started crying and clinging on to me for dear life." Sam simply nods and strides forward a bag in his hands. "What are you doing? Why aren't you freaking out? You're like the king of freaking out Sammy." Sam kneels down in front of the pair of you and starts pulling things out of the bag. Dean pulls out the famous Winchester bitchface when Sam starts pulling out things other than medicine. He pulls out a pacifier, bottles, diapers, adult-sized baby clothes and other baby things.
"What the actual fuck Sam."
"I knew this was going to happen eventually. I'm not nearly as oblivious and bull-headed as you Dean." You have calmed down by this time and are softly snuffling against Dean's neck. Sam removes you from Dean's arms and you whine. Your bottom lip begins to tremble again and Sam stops the oncoming tantrum by pushing a pacifier into your mouth. You begin to suck gently and the tears stop. Sam sets you down on the floor where you shiver and whine from the fever. He methodically strips you of your sweat soaked underwear and methodically puts a diaper on you. He doesn't even flinch or blink twice. He picks you up and cradles you to his chest picking up your soiled underwear and throwing them in the laundry basket.
"What the hell is going on?" Dean mutters, almost to himself. Sam gestures for Dean to help him and Dean stands from his position on the floor.
"Here, take him."Sam begins to transfer you over to Dean and you start to whine at the loss of contact. Dean looks startled but takes you anyways. You snuffle contentedly, nuzzling your face into his neck, and continuing to suck on your pacifier. Your fever is still running and your body feels achy, but the warmth of Dean's arms seems to calm your emotions. "We need to get some meds in him. We had Tylenol so that should help him, but I think you're just gonna have to stay with him." Dean looks at Sam like a deer in headlights.
"Me? Why the hell am I staying with him?"
"He seems to like your touch the most and if you leave him he's gonna scream like a banshee and cry until you come back to him. He's delicate in this state Dean. It's called involuntary age regression. It happens most often when someone is under a lot of pressure and very stressed. In this case he's sick as a dog and can't really help that he's acting like this." Sam runs a hand over his face, looking like he's aged 10 years in 5 minutes. "Remember that one time we came back from a hunt and he was acting like a 3 year old on crack?" Dean nods, unconsciously comforting you when you whine. He rubs your back gently, bouncing on his feet slightly. "That was because of high stress levels and anxiety on his part. His body doesn't always know how to handle the stress so it deages itself mentally." Sam leaves a stack of diapers, wipes, and other supplies on your dresser. "Just be good to him Dean." Sam leaves, shutting the door behind him.

Dean X Male Reader One Shots
FanfictionA collection of One Shots for my fellow Dean fanboys.