Eyes Closed Tight And Mouth Wide Open

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Sleep is right there at the tip of your fingers and you can just feel it. Your eyes are so heavy and your body is so tired.

"You can't go to sleep, baby. If you go now you might not ever wake up." Your head lolls and you're having trouble understanding what's going on around you. The voices speaking to you are underwater. Everything is drowned out by the murmuring of your rapidly fading heartbeat. The world fades out around the edges and your head leans back. Baring your throat to the sky you see the stars one last time before everything goes dark.

Pain brings you back to life and a thirst. An unbearable, unquenchable thirst. You claw your way through a solid wall of dirt until your hand reaches air. You pull yourself to the surface and a familiar face is there waiting for you. The sound of a thumping heartbeat reaches your ears and your mouth waters. He throws 3 red bags down in front of you and your vision tunnels. The scent of copper and iron reaches your nose and you can feel your teeth begin to lengthen. Your gums split and you tear into the first bag you can get your hands on draining its warm, delicious contents into your mouth. The next is ripped open as quickly as you can get it down. Your fingers dig into the next bag and it's gone before you can blink. Your nose is filled with the iron scent of blood and your mouth is covered in it. The collar of your shirt has a stain on it from your drinking and that's when you notice Dean. He's leaning against a nearby gravestone and watching you warily. You stand from your crouched position and it feels like you've gotten taller since you clawed your way out of the ground.

"You turned me, huh?" Dean shrugs nonchalantly and doesn't seem to be too bothered by it.

"I already sold my soul, why not make another deal with something, but something that I could kill afterwards." Your body feels wrong and still. Preternaturally still and it's eerie. You're used to breathing and blinking and hearing your own heartbeat. All of that is still and quiet and all you can hear is the pounding of Dean's heartbeat. The sound of his breathing is loud in your ears. Your eyes track down his figure until they land on the full mast erection he has. You can tell when he realizes you've noticed it because he shifts slightly, the scent of pheromones coming over the slight breeze towards you. You stalk towards him and the predatory shift in your body has his heart rate picking up. Dean tries to backpedal, but the gravestone behind him sends him sprawling onto his back instead. He reaches for his pistol and you freeze.

"I'm not going to hurt you Dean." You give a pointed look at his erection. "I'll only hurt you if you want me to." You put on a burst of speed that has you standing over him before he can blink. You pull Dean up by the front of his henley until you're face to face. The copper smell of your exhale washes over his face and he blinks dazedly in the wash of it. Your eyes lock onto his plump pink lips and the tongue that darts out to lick them. You press his back up against the nearest solid structure and capture his lips with yours. A tiny whimper leaves him as his fingers tangle themselves in your shirt. The marble of the mausoleum is cold against Dean's back and you're cold against his front, but he is burning up and he just wants more. He twines his leg around yours and pulls you closer. You didn't even know a vampire could get this worked up, but Dean is certainly doing the job well. You can tell that his excitement is only growing as he's grinding hard against the thigh between his legs. Dean pulls away from your mouth with a heavy gasp and you nip at his jawline with your fangs. A tiny cut appears and a ruby of blood begins to well out of the wound.

"Do it," The words leave his mouth in a low growl. And he leans the wound towards you. You don't need a second chance as your mouth latches on and you begin feeding on him ever so slowly. His cry has birds leaving the nearby trees and it sets a ripple through you.

"Do you want me to fuck you right here Dean? Huh? Do you want me inside you right here in this cemetery?" He hisses and grinds hard into you. You pin his hands above his head with one hand and let him ride your thigh until he's practically crying.

"I'm begging you. Please, take me. I don't care where just take me please." Dean's voice is high and reedy with need and he's riding your thigh so hard it would hurt if you weren't a vampire.

"I'm assuming the impala is nearby." He nods, his breath coming in pants. "I'll take you there. You'll ride me on those leather bench seats and you'll love every second of it." He gives a frantic nod, out of breath and panting hard. His legs wobble as you let go of him and it doesn't look like he'll make it the short distance to the Impala. So you take a risk. You scoop him up and flit across the cemetery coming to a shortstop about 3 feet from the Impala. Dean's knuckles are white, wrapped in your dirty torn shirt and when he realizes that his feet are on the ground again, he seems to let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. You open the door to the back seat and gesture.

"After you." Dean scrambles inside, peeling off his many layers to get down to his underwear and a basic white t-shirt. You climb in after him, enjoying the show and the many flashes of tan skin you got. Your clothes don't take much to come off considering they were in tatters before.The two of you are pressed against one another in the tight space and Dean's whimpers are getting you high. The scent of his sweat and pheromones have your senses spinning and you pounce on him, pinning him to the leather seats. He cries out and arches his back as you deftly remove his underwear. You take his aching erection in hand and a tiny moan leaves his mouth. You stroke him slowly and he wiggles his hips in impatience. You stroke him so slowly that he's quivering and begging for you to pick up the pace. You reach down between Dean's cheeks to graze him and you find a foreign object in your way. Your eyebrows arch as your fingers push at the base of a purple buttplug.

"Ah, please! I need you!" Dean's cries are getting louder. You release his erection for it to slap back against his stomach and reach down to get a firmer grip on this buttplug.

"All prepped weren't you. You knew what you wanted." He nods, his teeth practically tearing the skin from his lip. You slowly pull the plug out loving the noises he's making at the loss of fullness.

"Climb on Dean. You're about to ride like you never have before."Dean's hasty scramble makes you chuckle and the scent of him has your mouth watering. Moments after that he's sinking down onto you and the feeling has both of you groaning. His hands grip onto your shoulders and he sees that look in your eyes.

"Feed on me and rail me so hard I won't be able to walk for a week."

"Your wish is my command."

Dean X Male Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now