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His arms are wrapped so tightly around you that you can feel your spine crackle.

"I'm going to miss you." You can hear the waver in his voice as he says this and it's enough to set your eyes to watering. You don't even acknowledge what he says, just bury your face into his neck and begin to cry silently. Your shoulders shake. "My baby." He whispers into your hair as the two of you cling to each other desperately.

"Alright, that's enough. Break up the sobfest." You're snatched from Dean's arms by a rough hand on the back of your collar. You cry and reach out for Dean. He mirrors you but Sam holds him back from coming after you. The portal to hell is a cold whisper of ice across your exposed skin as you're dragged down to the depths, sold to the pits for a price that wasn't yours. Your older brother had signed a deal with a crossroads demon long ago but instead of his soul he sold yours. So when the contract was up you were to be dragged to hell to serve your sentence.

"Ugh!" You cry out as you're pushed to the rough, cold stone floor and you can feel a layer of skin come off as your palms scrape trying to stop your momentum.

"Welcome to hell boy." A familiar Scottish brogue says above your head. You look up and see Crowley standing there in his familiar custom black suit.

"I should've fucking known." You growl pushing yourself to your feet. You tower over Crowley but he somehow still seems to maintain that intimidating aura.

"Watch your mouth when you talk to your new boss." He smirks and you can see the evil dancing behind his eyes as his mind conjures up everything he's going to do to you.

"Yes, your majesty." The sarcasm coming off of your lips could curdle milk, but it doesn't seem to bother him because Crowley beckons you to follow. You restrain the urge to roll your eyes and follow behind him feeling the eyes of every demon follow you. The word rolls off of their lips hissing like acid out from behind their teeth. Winchester. The ring on your finger seems to burn under their gaze. You knew when you married Dean that carrying the Winchester name would be a heavy burden but you were more than willing to bear it.

"Welcome to your new home." Crowley says the smirk in his voice is evident. You don't even have to see his face to know he's enjoying every moment of this. The room that Crowley is beckoning to is a small dingy cell with a bare thin mattress on the floor. The four by four cube is barely big enough to turn around in but you're shoved in nonetheless. You almost smack face first into the opposite wall but catch yourself. The cell door closes and locks behind you and suddenly you are enclosed in pure pitch.

"Castiel if you can hear me. Tell Dean I'm ok. I'll be home before he can say apple pie." You whisper into the dark of the cell. You feel your way over to the mattress and sit down on it, your back against the wall. "And tell him to bring some holy water. I have plans for Crowley."

Dean X Male Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now