I wrote this one for a disabled friend of mine. I hope you enjoy it as much as he did.
A knock sounds at Dean's door and he crosses his fingers that it's another hot nurse. The door swings open to reveal a figure in a wheelchair and a definitely not attractive nurse.
"What are you supposed to be? The welcoming committee?" You laugh and roll into his room, thanking the nurse.
"I guess you could say that. You're the newest kid on the block and it's my unofficial job to make our residents feel homey." This last word is said with a smirk and a bit of a chuckle. You both are quiet for a long moment. His eyes are slipping closed every few minutes, the morphine making his world tilt at odd angles. "Maybe I should come back when you're not high on painkillers."
"No! You can stay! We'll watch Food Network. Is my favorite channel." His fingers find the remote and the TV switches on. A marathon of Chopped is running and the two of you sit there in comfortable silence for 3 or 4 episodes before he is asleep. Didn't even get the chance to grab his name. Morphine is a wonderful thing. You maneuver the stick on your chair and try to lever open the door. A passing nurse sees you struggling with the door and opens it for you. You roll back to your room and your mood seems to take a downward turn.
There's a knock at your door and Jamie opens it, wheeling a cart in.
"It's that time of the day my dude. Let's get you drugged and fed." Jamie always knows how to make you smile. The routine of meds, flush, and feed makes the day seem somewhat normal but your mind keeps drifting back to the newest addition to the ward. His eyes are the color of granny smith apples and his smile is boyish and shy when he's doped up. It makes you wonder what he's like when he's not high on pain killers. Seconds drift into minutes and minutes drift into hours. Your fingers reach for your phone and you send a text to your bff.
Dude boy assistance ASAP
Your phone nearly vibrates out of your hand 30 seconds later and you answer the phone, setting it on your tray table and putting it on speaker.
"Who is this mans and how hot is he?" You sigh and begin to describe your experience with the new boy. "Sounds hot. 10/10 would bang."
"God you're impossible. Glad you approve." You some kind of racket start on their end and the sound of raised voices greets your ears.
"Gotta go babe. Somebody has decided to start a fight. Love you." They hang up the phone and you're left feeling even more empty then you were before. You try to shake yourself out of this funk by heading down to visit the NICU. The desk nurse greets you with a smile and informs you that it's feeding time. You grin and head for your usual spot in front of the observation window. You desperately wished that your arms were strong enough to hold one of the infants but even the tiniest one is too much on your weak musculature. Hours pass and parents float in and out checking on their newest additions.
"Phone call for you," The desk nurse looks just as confused as you feel and you take the phone from her bringing it up to your ear.
" 'ello?"
"The boy is asking for you. He's lucid and not on drugs. If you don't come see him I might have to smother him with a pillow; he's been talking about you non stop to anyone who will listen." A smile begins to spread on your face and you hand the phone back to the desk nurse. You push your chair as fast as it will go, reaching the elevators you push the button like a game of Hungry Hungry Hippo. When the door finally opens you roll inside and jam the button for the ICU ward and yell silently for the elevator to go faster. Your heart is racing out of your chest and you have no idea why you're so excited to see him. You met him once and he was high on painkillers the entire time.
You nearly skid to a stop outside his room and try to compose yourself. You knock on the door and when you hear an answer call out from within the room you enter. A bright smile splits his face when he sees you and he gestures for you to come closer. A giant of a man is spread out in a chair and snoring gently and despite the fact that your chair is whisper-quiet he snorts awake.
"You must be the welcome committee," He grumbles, rubbing at his eyes. You acknowledge him with a nod and try not to make eye contact. He stands and stretches, audible popping coming from his spine. He groans and heads for the door. "I'm getting coffee D. You want any?" The man in the bed shakes his head and Paul Bunyan steps out of the room.
"You know I never did catch your name. You were on a lot of morphine." His laugh is low and throaty. It causes small shivers to crawl their way up your spine.
"I'm Dean Winchester. I know you aren't just the welcoming committee. Tell me, who are you?"
"That's for me to know and you to find out." Your insides recoil in horror at your poor attempt at flirting but Dean seems to buy it. He cock his head to the side like a curious puppy and his smile is full of mirth. "Whenever you get out of this bed and semi-mobile, you wanna have lunch with me down in the canteen?"
"I don't know how long I'll be here to be honest with you. My brother and I are the nomadic type of people." You sit there for a moment pondering his words.
"Well, maybe I can convince you to stay."

Dean X Male Reader One Shots
FanfictionA collection of One Shots for my fellow Dean fanboys.