"I couldn't give a damn less what you do. You're a grown ass man who can take care of himself, but there is one rule and one rule only. Don't ever lie to me. Ever." You nod in agreement and meet his eyes.
"I won't lie."
You had kept that promise until this very moment. You stare into the eldest Winchester's eyes and lie straight to his face. It's a huge lie and you don't know if you'll get away with it. Dean seems to know you inside and out, almost better than you know yourself.
"There's nothing wrong D. I'm good." Dean's eyebrows hit his hairline and he crosses his arms over his chest. You two stare at each other for a long moment and he seems to buy it. He relaxes and plops down into one of the only good chairs in this motel room. You try to conceal the aching in your bones, the bruises spattered across your body like paint on a Jackson Pollock canvas. You sit on the bed across from the small table and try not to wince. It feels like your skin is screaming. Dean continues to talk and you nod at the appropriate places. You say nothing though afraid that your voice will betray you. The boys dress in their cheap suits and say goodbye. You don't know where they're going all you think about is the pain you're covered in. As soon as the door shuts you let out a sigh of relief and a sob rips free from your throat. You stumble to the bathroom, shutting the flimsy plywood door behind you. You turn the lock and turn on the water in the bathtub. You gently slip out of your clothes, hissing at every brush of cloth against skin. You step into the bathtub and slip beneath the water.
"I hope you'll forgive yourself Dean. This wasn't your fault." Your voice echoes off the cheap tile and you sink further down into the water. Your eyes slip closed and you breathe in the steam rising off the water. Every time you shift you can feel a new aching spot where you didn't know there was a bruise before. You lean your head back against the tile. The heat of the water seeps into you and begins to make you sleepy. Your brain slips into the dream realm and what feels like not moments later there's a pounding at the door. You slip out of the now cold water and grab a towel from the sink. The pounding on the door increases and you call out to wait a damn second. You wrap the towel around your waist and drip on the floor for a second before opening the door. Too late do you realize your mistake. Dean's eyes meet yours and then trace the bruises and scrapes covering your torso and arms.
"What. The. Fuck." You stand there dripping water onto the cheap tile, shivering at the cold air on your bare skin and wait for Dean to reprimand you. The door to the room closes and the heat slowly begins to filter back in. Sam appears over Dean's shoulder and his eyes latch onto a certain bruise on your right side.
"That one looks pretty painful." He gestures to it and you nod. The presence of their eyes on your skin makes you increasingly uncomfortable. You try to shut the door so you can at least dry off and get dressed but Dean's big palm on the door stops you from moving it.
"Where'd you get those bruises?" His voice is low and you know just by his tone that he's pissed. So pissed that it's as though a calm rage has come over him.
"Can I get dressed first Dean? Please." You say this so quietly you don't think he heard you. You can scarcely breathe and your fight or flight response is on a hair trigger. His hand drops from the door and you close it. A sob threatens to escape from you but you pull it back down. Your hands had clenched into fists. You release them to stare at the crescents your nails left behind. Blowing out a puff of air, you towel off gingerly and pull on a pair of sweatpants. There's no use hiding your injuries now. You pull the plug on the bathtub and take a deep breath before opening the flimsy door of the bathroom. Sam and Dean are both sitting facing the door waiting on you expectantly. It takes all you have not to just flee, but you know better by now. Dean will hunt your ass down until he gets an answer. Dean's eyes skate over your torso and you almost shiver.
"Sit down," His voice is low and almost a growl. You obey sitting down in the nearest chair. "Explain." You sigh and begin to tell them the story.
"You know how I've suddenly had a lot more money on hand as of late? Well, there's a bit of an underground cage match fighting ring that I participate in and am kinda famous in. These bruises are from last night. When you two were out looking into stuff for the case I was beating the fuck out of some poor guy for cash. He deserved it. He called me a few slurs, so I broke his nose." Sam looks impressed and Dean smacks him for it. "I've been putting myself through that as a form of self torture I suppose. The ache makes me feel alive. It's the only thing that I've been doing to keep myself out of more self-destructive behaviors like drowning in the drink or something." Dean is silent for a long moment. Sam opens his mouth and then closes it without saying anything.
"I'm sorry that you felt like you had to do that angel. I should've taken care of you better." Your mouth wrinkles at his words.
"I didn't need you to take care of me D. We're in a relationship but I don't feel like you're emotionally available. So I take my feelings out on the next douchebag to call me names and I usually end up breaking one of his limbs." Sam's eyes flick between the two of you, seemingly not sure where he should land his eyes.
"I'm sorry. I'll be a better boyfriend." His smile is soft and kinda watery as he holds back his tears.
"Apology accepted."

Dean X Male Reader One Shots
FanficA collection of One Shots for my fellow Dean fanboys.