All I See Is Green

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Different colored pills I got orange, red, green, blue

I would pick green but she wouldn't let me choose

Green is one of those colors that people are half and half on. Some people love it and some people hate it. You've always loved the color green. The color of the forest in the peak of summer when the trees are at their most lively and the smell of the damp forest after a rain. Green is the color of an emerald ocean where you can play in the waves and smell the salt in the air. Green is the color of his eyes. The one that you love the most.

"Penny for your thoughts?" Sam's voice is loud in the thick silence as you come out of your memories. You look over at him blinking away the fog.

"Not really much thought Sammy. I was somewhere far away." Sam doesn't say anything, just bobs his head lightly and looks over his shoulder into the back seat.

"Hey dumbass, it's your turn to drive." A sleepy grumble comes from the back seat and that pair of green eyes that you love so much crack open glaring.

"What time 's it?" He asks as he sits up while Sam pulls over onto the shoulder.

"Dunno somewhere around 4 AM I think." Dean grunts and pops open the back door climbing out and stretching the sounds of his back popping can be heard from inside the Impala.

"Damn D!" You cry. "Your spine intact?" He gives a husky chuckle and just scratches the back of his head. He comes around to the driver's side door as Sam climbs out and takes his spot in the backseat passing out and snoring before Dean's even put the Impala into gear. Dean snorts and pulls back out into traffic. "What's on your mind?" You ask him seeing the gears turning behind his eyes.

"Just thinkin about the case. Somethin about it doesn't seem right to me. Just off I guess."

Green eyes match your green shoes

"How so?" You ask him mid-yawn. He begins to explain the gut feeling that he's having but you drift off halfway through. A hand on your shoulder startles you awake and you grab the wrist it's attached to jerking it painfully to the side.

"Hey! It's me! Let go!" Dean's voice is tight with pain and you release his wrist, blushing sheepishly.

"Sorry D. Reflex." He chuckles and rubs his wrist. He thrusts his chin out towards the building in front of the Impala and you stare in wonder at the towering structure. "We here to investigate a fucking castle or something?" Sam laughs and drops down so he can speak to you through the window.

"Close enough. It's from the mid 1900's. Family home, left abandoned but kids in the neighborhood keep disappearing into this house on dares and never coming back out alive."

"Well time to save some neighborhood kids from getting ganked."

"Couldn't have said it better myself." You look into those green eyes and you fall in deep. You know that he's the one, but you can never bring yourself to tell him.

Dean X Male Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now