I'm sorry I dropped off of the face of the Earth. I'm a college student now and it's kinda kicking my ass. Regardless, as requested here is another Little!reader. Enjoy. ~Magnus
The fall is inevitable and you can feel it building in your chest. It's like a pit has opened up and it's swallowing you whole. Your eyes are drooping and your bottom lip begins to quiver. You are so tired. Everything is so tiring. You just want to sleep.
"Hey, hey, hey you're alright sweet boy." Dean's arms come around underneath you and scoop you up. You snuggle into him holding your arms to your chest and leaning into his body. "My tired baby bee." He coos stroking the back of your head. You cuddle close and sigh, closing your eyes. Dean rocks you softly in his arms, murmuring to you the whole time. Sam opens the door to the bunker and Dean stops his rocking. You let out a little whine and he continues to rock on the balls of his feet, staring Sam in the eyes as he walks down the stairs.
"Whatcha doing Dean? You look like you're holding a toddler."
"I essentially am Sammy. Look I'll explain, just let me get him settled first." Sam gives Dean a weird side eye as he picks your phone up off the table, slides it into his pocket, and sets off towards the lower levels to put you in bed. The door to your shared bedroom creaks open as Dean shoulders it. You stir slightly and Dean holds his breath continuing to walk into the room hoping the sound didn't wake you. You settle back into sleep and Dean breathes out. He sets you down on the bed and begins the process of changing you out of your blood stained clothes. He hates to have to wake you up but the gore caked in your hair means that you need a bath. He steps away into the adjoining bathroom to begin running the water. He turns the tap on and grabs a fresh towel from the stack in the closet. He walks back into the bedroom and gently picks you up heading for the bathroom. The noise of the running tap wakes you up and you squint in the bright harsh light.
"I know pumpkin head, but you're covered in monster guts. Stinky boys need a bath if they want to sleep in bed with daddy." You squint up at him, your nose wrinkled. Dean laughs. "Yes, that exact face. Very stinky from a day of hunting. Let's get you all cleaned up." Dean sets you on your feet and begins to strip your blood soaked clothes off of you. You let him gently bobbing your head to a faint song you can hear playing from the other room.
"Daddy likes dis song." You whisper as Dean helps you get into the bath. Dean smiles and acknowledges that he does as he begins to clean the viscera off of your body. One giggly and bubble filled bathtime later you're sitting quietly wrapped in a fluffy towel as Dean digs through drawers looking for clean pajamas.
"Looks like we're gonna have to do laundry soon, little one." Dean says pulling out what appears to be the very last pair of your clean pajamas.
"Wan wear one of you shirtses." You chirp as you wrap the towel a little closer to you. Dean looks between the onesie and you and shrugs his shoulders. He sets the onesie back in the drawer and pulls out one of his favorite shirts. A faded Led Zeppelin band tee that has seen better days. He towels you the rest of the way off and pulls the shirt over your head. You giggle in delight and clap your hands.
"Now, it's bedtime for little ones." You rub at your eyes and nod scooting back into your favorite spot and curling up. Dean covers you with the blankets and kisses your forehead. "Goodnight baby bee."

Dean X Male Reader One Shots
FanficA collection of One Shots for my fellow Dean fanboys.