Inspired by the song Consume by Chase Atlantic.
Crack. Your cheek blossoms with pain, your split skin dripping blood onto your ruined pants.
"That all you got?"You spit on the floor, dark spots of blood marring the floor. "Come on Lucifer."You leer at him, leaning forward until the ropes anchoring you to the chair cut into you. "Bet you can't hit me harder." Lucifer clocks you for that one, hitting you so hard the chair you're tied to falls backwards. You see stars as you knock your head against the ground. You smile at Lucifer, blood coating your teeth.
"You are a strange one aren't you?"Lucifer crouches next to your head. He trails a finger down your face. "Maybe I can torture you in other ways." His finger trails farther down heading for your waistband, and you struggle against the ropes. The chair decides it's finally had enough of your wriggling and snaps into pieces. You snarl at Lucifer wiggling backwards. You manage to get far enough away to climb to your feet. You tear at the ropes around your wrists wrenching the wooden arms of the chair out of their confines. You don't have enough time to remove the chair legs before Lucifer is on you. He picks you up by your neck your feet dangling above the floor.
"I'm going to make you wish you were never born." He pounces on you and he keeps up on his promise only providing you relief when he slams your head against the wall so hard you black out.
Cold. Scratch. Crunch. You try to open your eyes but both of them are swollen shut. You shakily rise from the ground trying to glean anything from your environment. Cold, crunch of leaves under your hands, rustling of the forest as the cold wind chaps your cheeks.
"Hello? Is anyone there?" Your words come out slurred and broken. You reach out with your hands, searching for any kind of landmark to guide you. Your hands brush against a cold metal door and you almost cry in relief when you feel the insignia of the men of letters crest engraved on the door. You bang on the door, crying and screaming. When the door suddenly disappears you fall forward, bashing your already beaten face on smooth tile hardwood floors. The cocking of a hammer echoes through your ears.
"Who the hell are you? How'd you find this place?" Sam's voice is harsh and angry.
"Sammy. It's me," Of course since your face is busted it doesn't come out sounding like that . Instead you reach up to your torn shirt, you almost scream when you pull it up over your head. Despite all the knife wounds and blood your Anti-Possession tattoo is stark against your lacerated skin.
"DEAN IT'S HIM!" Sam stows his gun and falls to his knees before you. You reach out blindly looking to anchor yourself. He grabs your hands, trying to pull you up. You cry out as your torn ligaments scream in agony. You fall back to your knees and Sam yells again. "DEAN GET UP HERE!" Dean's boots pound against the stairs and suddenly there are rough warm hands against your face.
"Oh baby boy what did he do to you?"Dean's arms come around you, an arm going under your butt and picking you up as though you were a toddler that fell asleep in the car." Don't worry angel I've got you. Sammy and I are gonna fix you up." Your addled brain drifts off until Dean sets you down on the bathroom sink.
"Stay right here baby," You reach for him not wanting him to go. His sigh is sad as he gives Sam a list of things he needs. He continues to hold you, rubbing your back as you shiver. You lean back, something pressing against the back of your mind. Suddenly it comes back to you, the things Lucifer did to you. You fist Dean's flannel, trying to tell him. "What is it honey? Is something wrong?" You tell him of the things Lucifer did you to physical, mental, and sexual. He vibrates with so much anger you think he could fly apart at the seams.
They fix you up to the best of their ability, and Dean refuses to let you leave his sight. He tucks you into his bed, refusing to let you leave. The swelling in your eyes finally goes down enough for you to open them, and it's like the floodgates burst. Your eyes fill with tears when you see Dean. He looks so tired, his clothes are rumpled, and his expression even in sleep is a tense one. The croak that comes out of your mouth sounds like death.
"Dean," He startles awake reaching for his gun when he sees you looking at him.
"Hey there handsome," He sits next to you combing his fingers through your hair. "It's so good to see those beautiful eyes of yours." He kisses you gently on the forehead.
This right here. This is what I've been looking for. Don't ever leave me. I might break.
"I love you," Your smile is painful, your lips splitting and breaking. Blood running into your mouth, you give him your best Bloody Smile.
"I love you too."

Dean X Male Reader One Shots
FanfictionA collection of One Shots for my fellow Dean fanboys.