Theories (KOTLC, PJO, HOO, TOA)

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One: (The Rick Riordan Book Explosion) SCARS

Rick Riordan is evil.
So you know the scar Jason has- had (😭) on his lip? The one from where he tried to eat a stapler? Check out this line from The Burning Maze about Piper:

"Her upper lip needed stitches. She would definitely have a scar."

Take some time to think about that.
Crying yet?


Two: (KotLC) RUY

This is one I saw on the KotLC Fandom page.

What if Ruy is Jolie?
Personally I think this is a little far-fetched, but the person who wrote the theory had some valid suggestions and evidence. First: Ruy wears an Addler, to camouflage his appearance. He has erased his identity from the registry and could use some sort of gadget or elixir to change his voice. However, there are holes in the theory. For example, how would she have attended Foxfire and Exillium at the same time? The Exillium records could have been hacked, but it's highly unlikely. Second, she would have had to manifest as a Conjurer AND a Psoniopath. Those abilities are completely unrelated. Finally, the BIG question, is why? Why would Jolie join the Neverseen and take on a male identity?
This theory just intrigued me, and I wanted to share it.

Three: (KotLC) KENRIC
This one I came up with while reading Keeper (Neverseen) to my little brother. I was reading and I stopped mid-sentence and sat up. My brother asked me what was wrong. I didn't tell him, I just grabbed a notebook and wrote it down.
What if Forkle's fifth identity... Was Kenric?
They're both Telepaths, and Kenric always supported Sophie/The Black Swan. And Kenric (UNLOCKED SPOILER!!!) erased some of Oralie's memories of something that may have been important about Project Moonlark or something too big to keep secret. Juuuuust a theory, though. Annnnd finally, he could have just been overwhelmed by all the identities and taken the opprotunity to fake Kenric's death.

Four: (KotLC) BLUR
Okay. So... You remember when Jensi said his brother manifested as a Phaser and fell through the floor? Well, in (actually I'm drawing a blank on the book help me out here) one of the books they're on Lady Cadence's boat (Riverdrift) and the sea spray reveals some of Blur's features. He is described as having a round face and full lips, and looking vaguely familiar to Sophie. The round face and full lips are how Jensi is sort of described. I think that Blur could be Jensi's brother, Fernan Babblos. That would explain why some of his features looked familiar to Sophie but couldn't quite place it.
Okay so I DID see this theory several other times, but mallowmeltmoonlark1 reminded me and I decided I needed to post it.

Not really a theory. My friend came up to me a couple weeks ago and asked me if centaurs were insects. They have six limbs. I stayed up for hours thinking and broke my brain.

Credit to -drizzled for this theory!
Has your brain exploded yet? I might update more if I find any! Mr. Forkle called Amy "different" and "special". Why would they emphasize how special she is if she's not that big of a character? When Vespera tortured and killed hundreds of humans and the elves broke the treaty, they wondered if it had been the right thing to do. Amy could be the solution for the feud between the species! She could be the bridge! But, as llamasforlife13 said, there are two sides to a bridge. Sophie is an elf, and Amy is human! So they could be the two sides of the bridge that unites the two species.

Credit (again) to -drizzled for this theory! (Well, not a theory, but some important information that could be a base for a theory!)
1. We know she has long, dark hair.
2. We know she is probably Tam's age. She probably wouldn't be friends with Tam if she was older and wouldn't speak with such innocence.
3. She acts innocently and had full faith in the Neverseen's cause.
4. She's trustworthy. Tam, who can sense darkness inside someone, trusts her.

Credit to- you know what? This one and the next is the same as the one above.
Do the Neverseen not know the identities of their fellow members? They all use code names and wear hoods and I *was told did not read* that there was something in a short story at the end of Legacy (Tam's POV) about Tam not wearing his hood as a protest. He doesn't want to blend in with all the other faceless members.

Remember, see above for credit!
This is a little iffy... What if Gethen is Kenric and Oralie's secret son? I mean, he has Oralie's hair color (blond) and Kenric's ability (Telepath) and kids usually get their abilities and looks from their parents. When he tried to stab Oralie in Lodestar, it could have been payback for Oralie never doing anything for him. Project Moonlark coukd have been Oralie's second chance for a child.

Ten: (ToA, to be specific) APOLLO'S FAULT

What if COVID-19 is all Apollo's fault? While he was human, some rouge god, monster or mischievous demigod could have snatched his bow and plague arrows and shot some all over the world. Either that or the noisoi we saw in The Hidden Oracle could have gotten loose and caused this worldwide pandemic. Or he could have done it on purpose (spoiler spoiler) when he got back to Olympus.

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